Definition of the main Russian literature developmental tendencies from the Middle Ages until the present days -based on the history of Russian society, Russian mentality and culture (including the emigrant artistic production of 19th and mainly 20th century) and compared with the all-European and Czech development (focused according to students' subjects). Work with artistic texts. Getting to know the function of fiction in the whole conception of foreign language teaching.
Last update: Erudio ()
Kratkaja literaturnaja enciklopedija I-IX. Moskva 1962-1978. Žák, J.: Čítanka ruské literatury I. Stará a klasická literatura. 2. vydání. Praha, Albatros 1988. Jehlička, M. a kol.: Ruská literatura 19. století. Praha, SPN 1987. Jehlička, M.; Neumann, B.; Parolek, R.; Zadražil, L.: Ruská literatura 19. století (od konce 18. století do začátku 20. století). UK, Karolinum, Praha 1993. Parolek, R.; Honzík, J.: Ruská klasická literatura. Praha, Svoboda 1977. Jehlička, M. a kol.: Výbor z ruské literatury klasické a moderní. Praha, SPN 1967. Kasack, W.: Slovník ruské lit. 20. stol. Votobia, Praha 2000. Zadražilová, M.: Ruská literatura přelomu XIX. a XX. století. Praha, Karolinum 1995. Putna, M.; Zadražilová, M.: Rusko mimo Rusko. I. a II. č. Petrov, Brno 1993 a 1994. Masaryk, T. G.: Rusko a Evropa I, II, III. Spisy T. G. M., Ústav T. G. Masaryka, Praha 1995, 1996, 1996. Last update: Erudio ()
Definition of the main Russian literature developmental tendencies from the Middle Ages until the present days -based on the history of Russian society, Russian mentality and culture (including the emigrant artistic production of 19th and mainly 20th century) and compared with the all-European and Czech development (focused according to students' subjects). Work with artistic texts. Getting to know the function of fiction in the whole conception of foreign language teaching. Last update: Šaroch Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)