Compensation and extention of Russian knowledge from secondary school. Mastering lexical-conversational topics (speach etiquette, CV, emotional and intelectual life of a person, character and appearance, occupation, clothing, health, family). Complex development of receptive and productive language skills, mainly reading and listening comprehension and dialogue forms of oral expression. Mastering of Russian pronunciation and orthography. Reading of daily press in Russian.
Last update: Erudio ()
Compensation and extention of Russian knowledge from secondary school. Mastering lexical-conversational topics (speach etiquette, CV, emotional and intelectual life of a person, character and appearance, occupation, clothing, health, family). Last update: ZOFKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (21.10.2008)
Skácel, J.; Mrhačová, E.; Ries, L.: Praktická cvičení z ruského jazyka. Praha, MON 1986, I. díl, část A, B. Kopeckij, L. V. a kol.: Orfografija, punktuacija i knižnopismennaja reč russkogo jazyka. Praha, SPN 1979. Žofková, H.: Cvičení a úlohy z ruského pravopisu. Praha, SPN 1990. Ruský denní tisk, aktuální materiály z internetu. Žofková, H.; Hříbková, R.; Pechtěrev, A.: Česko-ruská konverzace. Plzeň, Leda 2000. Last update: Erudio ()
Compensation and extention of Russian knowledge from secondary school. Mastering lexical-conversational topics (speach etiquette, CV, emotional and intelectual life of a person, character and appearance, occupation, clothing, health, family). Complex development of receptive and productive language skills, mainly reading and listening comprehension and dialogue forms of oral expression. Mastering of Russian pronunciation and orthography. Reading of daily press in Russian. Last update: Šaroch Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)