Grammar, its subject and tasks. The relation of grammar and other language system parts (components). The subjet of morphology. Lexical and grammatical meaning, grammatical categories. Morphemic structure of a word. Speech parts characterization from the semantic, word formational and syntactical point of view - comparing Czech and Russian. Systemic and functional description of morphological phenomena. The relation between a language means and its function.
Last update: Šaroch Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)
Havránek, B. a kol.: Příruční mluvnice češtiny pro Čechy I. Praha, SPN 1976. Kopeckij, L. V.: Morfologija sovremennogo russkogo litěraturnogo jazyka. Praha, SPN 1976. Švedova, N. J. a kol.: Grammatika sovremennogo russkogo litěraturnogo jazyka. Moskva 1970. Havránek, B.; Jedlička, A.: Česká mluvnice. Praha, SPN 1981. Švedova, N. J. a kol.: Russkaja grammatika. Moskva 1990. Dlouhý, M.; Spiridonov, S.: Texty a úlohy k jazykovému rozboru z ruštiny. Praha 1995. Last update: Erudio ()
Grammar, its subject and tasks. The relation of grammar and other language system parts (components). The subjet of morphology. Lexical and grammatical meaning, grammatical categories. Morphemic structure of a word. Speech parts characterization from the semantic, word formational and syntactical point of view - comparing Czech and Russian. Systemic and functional description of morphological phenomena. The relation between a language means and its function. Last update: Šaroch Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)