Communication and its stages. Sound, phoneme and letter from the current point of view. Articulation and acoustic phonetics. Phonology. Suprasegmental elements: dynamics, rhythm, melody. Stress and reduction. Classification of segmental elements: consonansts and vowels. Sound combinations: accomodation, assimilation, dissimilation, dieresis. Sentence intonation types , sentence stress and pause,pace of speech , sentence melody. Graphics and orthography. Transcription and transliteration.
Last update: Erudio ()
Oliverius, Z. F.: Fonetika russkogo jazyka. Praha, SPN 1974. Romportl,M.: Stručná fonetika ruštiny. Praha, SPN 1959. Adamec, P.: Fonetika, fonologija, morfologija. Konspekt lekcij. Praha, UK 1980. Avanesov, R. I.: Russkoje literaturnoje proiznošenije. Moskva 1972. Bryzgunova, J. A.: Zvuki i intonacija russkoj reči. Lingafonnyj kurs dlja inostrancev. Moskva 1971. Hála, B.: Fonetika v teorii a v praxi. Praha 1975. Dlouhý, M.; Spiridonov, V.: Texty a úkoly k jazykovému rozboru z ruštiny. Praha, PedF 1995. Spiridonov, V.: Příručka fonetiky ruského jazyka. Praha, PedF 1996. Last update: Erudio ()
Communication (stages of communication process). Current state of Russian phone, phoneme and letter. Articulatory and acoustic phonetics. Phonology. Suprasegmental elements: dynamics, rythm and melody. The function of stress. Reduction. Classification of consonants and vowels. Accomodation, assimilation, dissimilation. Intonational types of Russian sentence. Transcription and transliteration. Last update: Šaroch Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)