Historical sources of personality psychology, definition of personality, basic concepts and theories of personality psychology, methods of getting to know personality, development of personality, origin and development of "I", consciousness, structure of personality, basic charakteristics, dynamics, motives, regularities and principal of personality development, charakteristics of development stages in ontogenesis.
Last update: Erudio ()
?Atkinson, R.L. et al., Psychologie, Portál, Praha 2003 ?Calvin,S.H., Gardner, L., Psychológia osobnosti, SPN Bratislava, 1997 ?Čáp. J., Mareš,J., Psychologie pro učitele, Portál Praha 2000 ?Drapela,V.J., Přehled teorií osobnosti, Portál, Praha 1997 ?Fontana, D., Psychologie ve školní praxi, (část I - III), Portál, Praha 1997 ?Langmeier,J., Krejčířová,D.,Vývojová psychologie, Grada, Praha 1998 ?Nakonečný, M., Psychologie osobnosti, Academia, Praha 1995 ?Trpišovská, D., Vacínová, M., Základy psychologie, PF UJEP, Ústí nad Labem 2001 ?Trpišovská, D., Vývojová psychologie, UJEP Ústí n. L. 2004 ?Vágnerová, M., Vývojová psychologie, Portál, Praha 2000 Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.09.2005)
Aim of the course: to gain basic knowledge of psychology of personality, determin the term personality, basic concept and theory of personality, methods of personality diagnostics, personality genesis, genesis of self conception, characteristics of ontogenetical developmental stages Content of the course: historical sources of theories of psychology of personality, determination of term "personality", basic concept and theories of personality, genesis of self conception, characteristics of ontogenetical developmental stages, genesis of self conception, structure of personality, basic characteristics, dynamics, motivation, rules and principals of personality development
Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.09.2005)