These seminars will explore the ways of using literary texts in the language classroom. Students' presentations will show various techniques in using the authentic CL texts in pronunciation, grammar, lexical, etc., exercises and improving the pupils' receptive and productive skills as well as multicultural awareness. The texts will be discussed from the point of view of their suitability, the level of knowledge and the age of the pupils-students.
Last update: Erudio ()
1. Duff, Alan & Maley, Alan (1990). Literature. Oxford University Press.
2. Maley, Alan & Duff, Alan (1989). Poetry in the Classroom. Cambridge University Press. Last update: Erudio ()
1, Approaches to teaching literature in EFL classes 2. Text selection, teacher´s and learners´ roles 3, Features of literary language, why use literature in EFL clases 4, Encouraging students to respond, anticipating students´ problems when using a short story, a novel, poetry, drama 5, motivating and involving students 6, poetry: pre-reading, while-reading and follow-up activities 7, a short story: pre-reading, while-reading and follow-up activities 8, drama 9, novel 10, revision Last update: VITRA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (07.01.2012)