Cultural Studies II - O01301216
Students will explore aspects of British daily life such as sport and leisure activities, television and other media, the town/country divide, eating habits. This course aims not only to show how the whole, varied culture of a nation helps to create an understanding of its language and literature, but also to encourage reflection on the most effective ways to teach cultural studies.
Last update: Erudio ()
Podmínkou je 70% úspěšnost u dvou testů a prezentace na zvolené téma. Last update: Jančovičová Ivana, Mgr. (04.05.2019)
1. Vaughan-Rees, M., Bystrom, P., Bateman, P. (1995). In Britain. Chancerel.
2. McDowell, M. (1993). Britain in Close-up. Longman.
3. Profile UK. Longman. Last update: Erudio ()
The monarchy The government Religion Education The media Transport Housing Food and drink Sport Holidays and special occasions The arts - music, painting, sculpture, theatre, opera, film Last update: Jančovičová Ivana, Mgr. (04.05.2019)