Continuation of the seminary "Greek mathematical texts I" (NUMV058). The seminary is devoted to the reading and
commentary of the most important paragraphs of greek mathematical writings. Organised in cooperation with the
philosophical faculty of Charkes University.
Last update: T_KDM (13.05.2008)
This course helps to obtain theoretical background for teaching mathematics at high school.
Last update: T_KDM (19.05.2008)
The condition for awarding the credit is proving good knowledge of the topics discussed during the course. Final test can be repeated at most two times. Participation at the seminars is strongly recommended, but not decisive for awarding the credit.
Last update: Halas Zdeněk, Mgr., DiS., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Archimédés, Oeuvres. Vyd. et trad. franç. Ch. Mugler, 4 vol. Collection des Universités de France, Paris, Belles-Lettres 1970-74.
Apollonios, Apollonii Pergaei quae Graece exstant cum commentariis antiquis (Eutocius), vyd. J.L. Heiberg, Leipzig, Teubner 1891-1893.
Apollonios, Les Coniques, př. P. ver Eecke. Bruges 1923.
Ptolemaios, Claudii Ptolemaei opera quae exstant omnia, vyd. I. L. Heiberg, Leipzig Teubner 1898-1903.
Ptolemaios, Ptolemy's Almagest, př. G.J. Toomer, Londýn 1984. Last update: T_KDM (13.05.2008)
Optional seminar. Last update: T_KDM (20.05.2008)
1. Archimedes and the infinitesimal mathematics (Quadrature of the parabola, On the sphere and cylinder, On spirals, Measurement of a circle ... ).
2. Appolonios of Perga and higher geometry (Conics)
3. Ptolemaios and spherical geometry. Last update: T_KDM (13.05.2008)