Integrated teaching - lectures and seminars complement one another. Course of molecular physics and thermodynamics for physics teachers in middle schools. It contains molecular physics of gases and liquids, basic elements of balance thermodynamics and introduction to solid state physics.
For the 2th year teacher students of Mathematics - Physics /basic school.
Last update: T_KVOF (04.05.2001)
Svoboda,E., Bakule, R.: Molekulová fyzika. Academia Praha, 1992. Feynman,R., P., Leighton,R., B., Sands, M.: Feynmanove prednášky z fyziky 2. ALFA Bratislava, 1982. Bakule, R., Brož, J.: Molekulová fyzika. Academia Praha, 1992. Frei, V.: Fyzika pevných látek. SPN Praha, 1978. Svoboda, E. a kol.: Přehled středoškolské fyziky. prometheus Praha, 1996. Bartuška, K., Svoboda, E.: Fyzika pro gymnázia. Molekulová fyzika a termika. prometheus Praha, 2000. Last update: Svoboda Emanuel, prof. RNDr., CSc. (05.05.2004)
1. Introduction (methods in molekular physics and thermodynamics) 2. Molecular-kinetic theory 3. Grounding of thermodynamics (thermodynamic system and its equilibrium, internal energy, heat, temperature, thermal capacity, first law of thermodynamics, reversible processes, Carnot´s cycle, thermodynamic temperature,second law of thermodynamics, entropy, entalpy, third law of thermodynamics) 4. Ideal gas (the model of ideal gas, Maxwell´s and Boltzmann´s distribution; microscopic interpretation of pressure and temperature, the gas equation, the gas laws; transport phenomena in gases) 5. Real gases (van der Waals´s equation, Internal energy of real gas, Joule-Thomson´s effect, gas liquefaction) 6. Liquids (structure,forces act in the surface of a liquid, surface energy and surface tension; pressure under curved surface of liquid, capillarity) 7. Phase transitions (equilibrium phase diagram of one component system, Gibbs rule of phases, specific latent heats and temperatures of phase transitions; saturated vapour, unsaturated vapour; boil; phase´s diagram) 8. Solids (structure of solids, Bravaise´s lattices, operations of symmetry, crystal bonds, crystal lattice defects, mechanical and thermal properties of crystals) Last update: Svoboda Emanuel, prof. RNDr., CSc. (05.05.2004)