Applications of general relativity in the theory of stationary black holes and of stellar structure. Schwarzschild,
Reissner-Nordström and Kerr(-Newman) solutions of Einstein equations, gravitational collapse and “no-hair”
theorems, black-hole thermodynamics. Equilibria of spherically symmetric stars and their radial oscillations. Final
stages of stellar evolution - degenerate fermi gas, Chandrasekhar limit. Tensor densities. Fermi-Walker transport.
Linearised theory of gravitation and gravitational waves. Variational derivation of Einstein equations. The course
follows the subject NTMF111.
Last update: Houfek Karel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (17.05.2024)
Předmět je zakončen zápočtem a ústní zkouškou. Podmínkou pro zápočet je účast na seminární části výuky plus jednou během semestru (popř. akademického roku) prezentace určeného tématu. Zápočet se nedá opakovat. Last update: Semerák Oldřich, doc. RNDr., DSc. (16.04.2023)
Bičák J., Ruděnko V. N., Teorie relativity a gravitační vlny (skriptum UK, Praha 1986) Kuchař K.: Základy obecné teorie relativity (Academia, Praha 1968) Misner C. W., Thorne K. S., Wheeler J. A.: Gravitation (Freeman, San Francisco 1973) Weinberg S.: Gravitation and Cosmology (J. Wiley, New York 1972) Wald R. M., General Relativity (University of Chicago Press, 1984) Bičák J., Semerák O.: Relativistic Physics (lecture notes accessible from the course website) Last update: Semerák Oldřich, doc. RNDr., DSc. (17.05.2024)
Zkouška je ústní, požadavky odpovídají sylabu, v detailech pak tomu, co bylo během semestru odpřednášeno. Last update: Semerák Oldřich, doc. RNDr., DSc. (06.10.2017)
Invariant and coordinate features of the Schwarzschild solution, analytic extension of the metric. Pericentre precession and light bending in the Schwarzschild field. Tensor densities. Fermi-Walker transport. Reissner-Nordström solution of the Einstein equations. Kerr and Kerr-Newman solutions of the Einstein equations, Carter equations for electro-geodesic test motion. Gravitational collapse and black holes: black-hole uniqueness theorems, formation of black holes, laws of black-hole thermodynamics, extraction of energy from black holes. Relativistic theory of stellar equilibria: description of a static and spherically symmetric star, equations of stellar equilibria, radial oscillations and stability. Final stages of stellar evolution: degenerate fermion gas, white dwarfs and neutron stars; Chandrasekhar limit. Linearized theory of gravitation and plane gravitational waves, wavefronts, exact plane wave. Last update: Semerák Oldřich, doc. RNDr., DSc. (17.05.2024)