The consultation lecture provides a framework for the
preparation of the dissertation thesis with the thesis supervisor.
Last update: T_KSI (19.02.2007)
1. D. Madsen: Successful Dissertations and Theses (A Guide to Graduate Student Research from Proposal to Completion) 2. Gordon Bitter Davis: Writing the Doctoral Dissertation, A Systematic Approach 3. Kjell Erik Rudestam: Surviving Your Dissertation (A Comprehensive Guide to Content and Process) 4. Judith M. Meloy: Writing the Qualitative Dissertation (Understanding by Doing) 5. John D. Cone: Dissertations and Theses from Start to Finish (Psychology and Related Fields) Last update: T_KSI (19.02.2007)
The syllabus will be worked out in detail individually between each student and supervisor. Abstracting from details, the essential points will typically include setting and precising goals, selecting and applying research methods, identifying and evaluating the existing and new results. Last update: T_KSI (19.02.2007)