Advanced Windows programming (Process Management, Memory Management), .NET and
Windows internals and security
Last update: T_SISAL (07.06.2007)
Windows System Programming(3rd edition)Johnson M. HartAddison-Wesley, 2005 Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows(4th edition)Jeffrey Richter Microsoft Press, 2000 Windows InternalsCovering Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7(6th edition) Mark Russinovich, David A. Solomon, and Alex IonescuMicrosoft Press, 2012 Windows Sysinternals Administrator's ReferenceMark Russinovich, Aaron MargosisMicrosoft Press, 2011 Mark Russinovichhttp://blogs.technet.com/markrussinovich/ Advanced Windows (3rd edition); Jeffrey Richter; Microsoft Press 1997 Undocumented Windows 2000 Secrets:A Programmer's CookbookSven B. SchreiberAddison-Wesley 2001 Undocumented Windows NTPrasad Dabak, et alM&T Books 1999
The .NET Developer's Guide to Windows Security; Keith Brown; Addison-Wesley 2005 Programming .NET Security; Adam Freeman, Allen Jones; O'Reilly 2003 .NET Security and Cryptography; Peter Thorsteinson, G. Gnana Arun Ganesh; Prentice Hall 2004 Windows Server 2008PKI and Certificate SecurityBrian KomarMicrosoft Press 2008 Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and ApplicationsMichael G. SolomonJones & Barlett 2011 Security EngineeringA Guide to Building Dependable Distributed SystemsRoss AndersonWiley 2008; 2nd edition Last update: Jákl Vojtěch, RNDr. (06.03.2016)
1st Windows System Programming: synchronization Memory - File Mapping NTFS - Sparse Files, Streams SW-only driver
2nd Windows Security Access Token (SID) vs. Security Descriptor (ACL, ACE) Privilegies Impersonation digital signature, PKI Group Policy Last update: Jákl Vojtěch, RNDr. (06.03.2016)