Advanced Java Programming - NPRG021
The course is continuation of the NPRG013 cource. The focus of the course is on discussing advanced topics
related to
the Java language and environment, as well as the technologies based on the Java platform. Knowledge of topics
discussed in NPRG013 Java is required.
Last update: Hnětynka Petr, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (30.04.2019)
The Java Language Specification Last update: Katedry Tajemník (12.05.2017)
User interface Reflection API Classloaders Bytecode Security Distributed technologies: RMI... JavaBeans Component Model Aspekts (AspectJ) Java Enterprise Edition: EJB, Servlets, Java Server Pages... Java Micro Edition: Java for Mobile & Embedded systems, CLDC, MIDP, JavaCard Other technologies based on the Java platform: Java APIs for XML JDBC, JMX,... Android Last update: Hnětynka Petr, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (03.05.2018)