Introduction to Colour Science - NPGR025
The lecture gives an introduction to colour science from a computer graphics viewpoint. Its goal is to deliver a complete
overview of the problem domain of colour perception and reproduction.
Last update: Macharová Dana, JUDr. (24.09.2008)
Evaluation of student knowledge is via a single exam after the course ends. During this exam, several of the questions listed in the "sample questions for NPGR025" document will be asked. The grade is the average of the performance on the individual questions. Last update: Wilkie Alexander, prof. Dr. techn. (07.06.2019)
Maureen Stone: A Field Guide to Digital Color, AK Peters, ISBN: 1-56881-161-6
Kurt Nassau: The Physics and Chemistry of Color, The Fifteen Causes of Color, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0-471-39106-9
An applet that shows emission/absorption lines for all elements in the periodic table.
The illusion movie shown in the lecture.
The colour science history chapter from the Elsevier book. Last update: Wilkie Alexander, prof. Dr. techn. (07.10.2015)
1. history of colour science
a brief discussion of how the models of colour perception have evolved over the years 2. physics background a presentation of several common phenomena that are at the root of coloured object appearance 3. human perception how the human visual system works 4. colorimetry and colour spaces how colour can be accurately measured, and arranged in different colour spaces that serve various purposes 5. colour measurement devices which technologies are available to measure colours 6. colour safe workflows how one can achieve consistent colour reproduction on multiple output devices 7. practical examples some short demonstrations of how the colour management functionality in applications like e.g. Photoshop can be used Last update: TOPFER/MFF.CUNI.CZ (24.09.2008)