SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Rhetoric and effective communication with people II - NPED042
Title: Rétorika a komunikace s lidmi II
Guaranteed by: Department of Physics Education (32-KDF)
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Actual: from 2020
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 2
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/2, C [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Mgr. et Mgr. Jakub Švec
Classification: Teaching > Physics
Pre-requisite : NPED022
Is incompatible with: NPEP603
Is interchangeable with: NPEP603
Annotation -
The course in not compulsory. During the course participants will practise persuasive presentation and discussion. They will have a chance to try out how to stand, how to use gestures, look, mimics and the non-verbal part of communication altogether during a presentation. Along with it they will improve their articulation skills, work with breathing and voice on the whole. In the communication section of the course they will be introduced to the whole process of communication, the basic aim of communication, they will acquire the communicational axioms. They will learn to distinguish t
Last update: T_KDF (01.07.2015)
Literature -

Ø ARISTOTELÉS. 1999. Rétorika. Praha: Rezek.

Ø ATKINSON, C., R., ATKINSONOVÁ, R., L. a kol. 1995. Psychologie.

Praha: Victoria publishing.

Ø BOKR, J., SVATEK, J. 2000. Základy logiky a argumentace. Dobrá Voda: Aleš Čeněk.

Ø Cangelosi, J, S. l994. Strategie řízení třídy. Jak získat a udržet spolupráci žáků při

výuce. Praha: Portál.

Ø CARNEGIE, D. 1993. Jak získávat přátele a působit na lidi. Praha: Talpress.

Ø ČERNÝ, V. 2003. Prodejní techniky: prezentační dovednosti, zvládání námitek,

neverbální komunikace.Brno: Computer press.

Ø DE VITO, J. 1999. Základy mezilidské komunikace. Praha: Grada.

Ø Disman, M., Kubálek,V. 1968. Dětský přednes a dramatický projev. Praha: SPN.

Ø Gillernová, I. - Hermochová, S. - Šubrt, R.1990. Sociální dovednosti

učitele. Praha: SPN.

Ø GROSS, S., F. 2003. Vztahová inteligence. Praha: Management Press.

Ø HIERHOLD, E. 2005. Rétorika a prezentace. Praha: Grada Publishing.

Ø KOHOUT, J. 1995. Rétorika: Umění mluvit a jednat s lidmi.

Praha: Management Press.


Respektovat a být respektován. Spirála, Kroměříž.

Ø KRAUS, J. 1998. Rétorika v evropské kultuře. Praha: Academia.

Ø KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J., Mareš, J. 1995. Komunikace ve škole. Brno: MU.

Ø Medzihorský, Š. 1981. Asertivita. Praha: Elfa.

Ø PEASE, A. 2001. Řeč těla: jak porozumět druhým z jejich gest, mimiky a postojů těla.

Praha: Portál.

Ø Praško, J., Prašková, H. l996. Asertivitou proti stresu. Praha: Grada.

Ø Prekop, J. 2004. Empatie - vcítění v každodenním životě. Praha: Grada.

Ø ŠPAČKOVÁ, A. 2003. Moderní rétorika. Praha: Grada.

Ø TEGZE, O. 2003. Neverbální komunikace. Praha: Computer press.

Ø THUN, F., S. von. 2005. Jak spolu komunikujeme? Praha: Grada Publishing.

Ø ÚLEHLA, I. 2005. Umění pomáhat. Praha: SLON.

Ø Vališová, A. 1994. Asertivita v rodině a ve škole. Praha: H + H.

Ø VÁVRA, V. 1990. Mluvíme beze slov.

Ø Watzlawick, P. 1994. Úvod do neštěstí. Hradec Králové: Konfrontace.

Ø Watzlawick, P. 1995. Všechno dobré je k něčemu zlé. Hradec Králové: Konfrontace.

Ø WATZLAWICK, P., Bavelasová, J., Jackson, D. 1999.

Pragmatika lidské komunikace. Hradec Králové: Konfrontace.

Last update: T_KDF (01.07.2015)
Teaching methods -

Lecture, lecture with discussion, individual and group exercises, case study solving, role plays included in video training, reflecting own experience.

Last update: T_KDF (01.07.2015)
Syllabus -

q Chosen outcomes from researches how the human brain works and its impact on social interaction and communication.

q Chosen theoretical starting points of communication. Communication process. Communication aims. Basic communicational axioms (permanence, non-linearity, matter and relational signals).

q History of rhetoric. Basics of persuasive speech. Verbal and non-verbal signals in presentation.

q How to be persuasive. Work with postures, gestures, looks, mimics, proximity - all about human non-verbal communication.

q Work with voice: articulation and words that are difficult to pronounce, work with breath, process in speech, voice color and tone.

q Brief, clear and comprehensible speech. Logical structure. Presentation training.

q Care of the relational part of communication. Asertivity and feedback.. Feedback and chosen asertivity methods training.

q Participants’ everyday situations. „How to cope with them“ training.

q Feedback and reflecting the course. Summary and discussion.

Last update: T_KDF (01.07.2015)
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