C/C++ language for physicists, advanced programing techniques, object oriented programming, architecture basics and program development for graphical and multitasking environments-event driven programs for MS Windows, X window.
Last update: Kudrnová Hana, Mgr. (26.01.2018)
Vypracování zápočtového programu/projektu. Last update: Valentová Helena, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (18.07.2019)
Pavel Herout: Učebnice jazyka C - 1. díl, C++, KOOP, České Budějovice. Pavel Herout: Učebnice jazyka C - 2. díl, KOOP, České Budějovice. Miroslav Virius: Od C k C++, KOPP, České Budějovice, 2002. Miroslav Virius: Jazyky C a C++ podle normy ANSI/ISO Grada Publishing, Praha 2005. http://kmdec.fjfi.cvut.cz/~virius/liter/litCpp.htm Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie: The C Programming Language, Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1978, 2nd edition, 1988, slovenský překlad SNTL Alfa, Bratislava 1988. Bjarne Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language, Addison-Wesley: Reading, Mass., 1986. Second edition, 1991. The C++ standard, ISO/IEC 14882:1998, Programming Language C++. Stanislav Racek: Objektově orientované programování v C++, KOOP, České Budějovice, 1994. Jan Brodský, Luděk Skočovský: Operační systém Unix a jazyk C, SNTL, Praha, 1989. Pavel Herout, Vladimír Rudolf, Pavel Šmrha: ABC programátora v jazyce C aneb ANSI C, Borland C a C++, KOOP, České Budějovice, 1992. Last update: Kudrnová Hana, Mgr. (26.01.2018)
1. The C language
Program structure, data types, functions, pointers, expressions, operators, priority, control structures (block, conditionals, loops...), type casting, input/output, preprocessor, macros, header files, project/makefile, data storage types, initialization. 2. Non-object oriented features of C++ Declaration/definition, inline functions, implicit parameters, references, function overloading, constants, type checking, templates, exceptions. 3. Objects oriented features of C++ OOP, data encapsulation, inheritance, polymorfism, classes, methods, constructor/destructor, virtual methods, operator functions, friend functions. 4. Programming in graphical environments Event drivent programming, WinAPI, Win32, object libraries, X window, window manager, simple applications. Last update: Kudrnová Hana, Mgr. (26.01.2018)