Lecture course is mainly for the 2nd year students in Physics. It complements the course Introduction to quantum
mechanics and the following courses. Its aim is to provide students with basic mathematical foundations of
quantum mechanics. The theory will be accompanied by various examples.
Last update: T_KCHFO (01.05.2016)
To introduce mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics. Last update: T_KCHFO (01.05.2016)
The lecture course is concluded with an exam. Last update: Soldán Pavel, doc. Ing., Dr. (29.04.2020)
Jiří Blank, Pavel Exner, Miloslav Havlíček: Hilbert Space Operators in Quantum Physics, AIP Press, NY 1994; 2nd Ed. Springer Netherlands 2008
Last update: T_KCHFO (01.05.2016)
Lectures Last update: T_KCHFO (01.05.2016)
Successfully passing an exam in this lecture course means correctly solving two problems, which are submitted to students in an electronic form before the term end and which correspond to the lecture topics read in the current academic year. When solving the problems, students can consult any literature source. Students can submit their exam-problem solutions electronically anytime before the term end (only as a pdf file) or hand them in in a written form at one of the offered exam days in the current exam period. Last update: Soldán Pavel, doc. Ing., Dr. (29.04.2020)
1. Hilbert spaces
2. Space of quadratically integrable functions
3. Orthogonal polynomials
4. Linear operators in Hilbert spaces
5. Spectra of linear operators
6. Symmetric and self-adjoint operators
7. Differential operators
8. Symmetric and self-adjoint differential operators
9. Spectra of self-adjoint operators
10. Distributions
11. Dirac delta function Last update: T_KCHFO (01.05.2016)
Reasonable knowledge of the first year linear algebra and mathematical analysis.
Last update: T_KCHFO (01.05.2016)