Experimental Methods in Physics II - NOFY060
Aim of this subject is to acquaint students with present methods of scientific experimental work. Individual methods will be demonstrate on experimental apparatuses that are standard used in scientific research. Training will be organized as an excursion to particular departments.
Last update: T_KVOF (22.05.2003)
Aim of this subject is to acquaint students with present methods of scientific experimental work. Individual methods will be demonstrate on experimental apparatuses that are standard used in scientific research. Training will be organized as an excursion to particular departments. Last update: T_KVOF (28.03.2008)
Dostatečná účast na exkurzích.
Stručný referát o jedné exkurzi nebo experimentální metodě, rozsah cca jedna strana A4. Last update: Valentová Helena, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (02.03.2018)
Exkurze Last update: Valentová Helena, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (03.01.2017)
The main aim of the course, organised in a form of excursions to scientific laboaratories of various departments of the faculty, is to introduce experimental methods currently used here as scientific tools for contemporary physics research. Last update: Nedbal Jan, doc. RNDr., CSc. (05.06.2006)