Technical reserves in non-life insurance. Rate-making. Credibility. Bonus systems.
Last update: Zichová Jitka, RNDr., Dr. (04.05.2018)
The aim of the subject is to make the students aquainted with basic methods of calculation outstanding claims reserves and selected mathematical methods used in non-life insurance rate - making.
Last update: Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D. (04.10.2012)
Oral exam. Last update: Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Mandl, P., Mazurová, L.: Matematické základy neživotního pojištění. Matfyzpress, Praha 1999.
Mack, T.: Schadenversicherungsmathematik. Verlag Versicherungsvirtschaft, Karlsruhe, 1997.
Van Eeghen, J., Greup, E.K., Nijssen, J.A.: Rate Making. Nationale-Netherlanden, Rotterdam, 1983. Last update: Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Lecture. Last update: G_M (24.04.2012)
Oral exam with written preparation. Requirements for the exam consist of the entire extent of the lecture. Last update: Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Claims development analysis. IBNR reserves calculation methods. Rate-making. Basic rate-making in a multiplicative tariff structure. Credibility. Model of Bühlmann and Straub. Mathematical modelling of Bonus - Malus Systems.
Last update: Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D. (26.04.2018)