Basic theory of higher homotopy groups. Coefficients for singular (co)homology and the corresponding algebraic
theory of derived functors. Deeper homotopy properties of manifolds.
Last update: T_MUUK (27.04.2016)
There will be several homeworks. As a requirement to take the final exam students must submit
solutions to at least one homework. The final exam will be an oral exam. Last update: Golovko Roman, Ph.D. (26.02.2021)
A. Hatcher: Algebraic Topology.Cambridge University Press, 2002. E. H. Spanier: Algebraic Topology. Springer, 1989. Last update: Golovko Roman, Ph.D. (26.02.2021)
For the oral part of the exam it is necessary to know the whole content of lecture.
You will get time to write a preparation for the oral part which the knowledge of definitions, theorems and their proofs is tested.
We test as well the understanding to the lecture, you will have to prove an easy theorem which follows from statements from the lecture. Last update: Golovko Roman, Ph.D. (26.02.2021)
Quillen model categories, homotopy category, derived functors, simplicial sets, chain complexes, homotopy algebra, homotopy limits and colimits. Last update: Šmíd Dalibor, Mgr., Ph.D. (29.01.2022)