Linear vector spaces, matrices and determinants. Differential and integral calculus in more than 1 variable.
Last update: T_KFES (16.02.2017)
The credits for the seminar can be obtained by succesfully passing two tests written during the semester. Obtaining the credits for the seminar are a prerequisite for taking the exam. Last update: Benešová Barbora, Mgr., Ph.D. (23.05.2019)
1. J. Kopáček: Matematika (nejen) pro fyziky I.,II. Skripta MFF UK, Matfyzpress. 2. J. Kopáček a kol.: Příklady z matematiky (nejen) pro fyziky I., II ˇ . Skripta MFF UK, Matfyzpress. 3. J. Kvasnica: Matematický aparát fyziky. Academia, Praha, 1989. 4. I. Černý: Úvod do inteligentního kalkulu, Academia, Praha, 2002. 5. B. P. Demidovič: Sbírka úloh a cvičení z matematické analýzy . Fragment, Praha, 2003 Last update: Benešová Barbora, Mgr., Ph.D. (23.05.2019)
The exam consits of a written and a oral part. If the student succesfully passes the written part, the oral part can be taken. Otherwise, the result of the exam is "failed". The final grade is computed based on points from both, the written and the oral part.
In the written part, one is given 4-5 problems that correspond to the sylabus and also to the problems solved during the exercise classes.
The requirements for the oral exam correspond to the sylabus in the extent that was covered during the lectures. Last update: Benešová Barbora, Mgr., Ph.D. (23.05.2019)
• Linear vector spaces • Matrices and determinants, systems of linear equations, Gauss elimination, Cramer rule • Bilinear and quadratic forms. • Calculus in more than one variable, metric spaces, limits and continuity • Partial derivatives and total differential, grad, div, rot • Integration in more than 1D, Fubini theorem, substitution theorem. • Exchange of limit and integral, and of derivative and integral.
Last update: Mikšová Kateřina, Mgr. (16.02.2017)
The material covered in Applied mathematics I (NMAF071). Last update: Benešová Barbora, Mgr., Ph.D. (23.05.2019)