History of the global Earth models. Free oscillations of the Earth - theoretical introduction. PREM. Mineral physics under high pressures and temperatures. Seismic tomography - global models. Three-dimensional density anomalies and mantle convection.
Last update: T_KG (16.05.2001)
The lecture introduces into basic methodological approaches resulting in description of global physical properties of the Earth. Last update: T_KG (26.03.2008)
Zkouška je ústní, požadavky odpovídají sylabu v rozsahu prezentovaném na přednášce. Last update: Matyska Ctirad, doc. RNDr., DrSc. (11.10.2017)
Last update: Zakouřil Pavel, RNDr., Ph.D. (05.08.2002)
Lecture Last update: T_KG (11.04.2008)
Models of the Earth's internal constitution - historical outline
18th-19th centuries - density models based on geodetic observations; seismology in the first half of the 20th century - wave phases, standard hodochrons, interfaces (CMB, Moho, inner core), Jeffreys-Bullen tables, 20°-discontinuity; Bullen's velocity and density models - Adams-Williamson's equation; continental drift and plate tectonics; computer era in seismology (surface waves, free oscillations, seismic tomography); mineral physics and geodynamical modelling. Free oscillations of the Earth Historical remarks; basic axioms in continuum mechanics, the Cauchy and the Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors and momentum equations, boundary conditions; linearized theory - relation between the Cauchy and the Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors in a prestressed body and the momentum equation for a general model of the Earth; SNREI - toroidal and spheroidal oscillations; mode splitting due to asphericities. PREM Data, anisotropy, resulting model. Postglacial rebound Timescales of slow processes in the Earth - comparison of momentum equations and rheological behaviour; viscoelasticity and the Laplace transform; Love numbers and normal modes; relaxation times of basic modes; viscosity profiles of the mantle. Mineral physics Mineralogical composition of the Earth's interior; Clapeyron's equation; shock waves experiments - Hugoniot's relations; characteristics of static experiments; phase transitions in the mantle in olivine and pyroxene-garnet groups and their relevance to 440km and 670km interfaces; state of the core - melting of iron. Global seismic tomography Kinematic tomography - linearization; "local" and "global" parametrizations by boxes and/or spherical harmonics; minimizations of the misfit functional - overdetermined and underdetermined problems; global results for the mantle, D" (CMB) and the core; fate of lithospheric slabs and the lower mantle superplumes. Remarks on 3-D geodynamical modelling Body forces - problems with the conversion of tomographic models into density anomalies; non-uniqueness and instability of the gravity inversion, couplings - lateral variations and nonlinearity of the rheology. Literature:
Last update: T_KG (07.05.2002)