Pressure - an important parameter in the solid state physics
General trends in changes of the electronic structure of condensed matter
under HiP
Experimental technique for HiP experiments
Pressure exchange media, determination of pressure
Pressure-induced structural phase transformations
Magnetic, transport and magneto-transport properties under HiP
Pressure effects in strongly correlated electrons systems
Superconductivity in the itinerant ferromagnets induced by the pressure
Quantum critical effects under high pressures
New materials prepared under HiP
Last update: T_KFES (23.04.2014)
The condition for completing the course is an oral exam. Last update: Mikšová Kateřina, Mgr. (12.05.2022)
1. Physics of Solids under High Pressure, Eds. : J. S. Schilling and R. N. Shelton, North Holland Pub. Co., 1981 2. M. I. Eremets, High Pressure Experimental Methods, Oxford University Press, 1996 3. P. W. Bridgmann, The Physics of High Pressure, G. Bell & Sons LTD., 1949 4. S. Klotz, Techniques in High Pressure Neutron Scattering, Taylor & Francis, 2012 Last update: Prchal Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (09.10.2017)
Podmínkou zakončení předmětu je ústní zkouška. Ústní zkouška sestává standardně ze dvou otázek. V případě úspěšné přípravy vysokotlakého experimentu studentem (viz Sylabus) lze snížit počet otázek při zkoušce na 1.
Požadavky absolvování ústní zkoušky odpovídají rozsahu sylabu prezentovaném na přednášce. Last update: Prchal Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (09.10.2017)
Pressure as an important parameter in solid state physics General trends of electronic structure of solids under HP Pressure-induced structural phase transitions Magnetic, transport and magneto-transport properties under HP Pressure effects in strongly correlated electron systems Quantum critical phenomena under HP Pressure-induced superconductivity in itinerant electron ferromagnets Experimental technique for HP experiments Novel materials fabricated under HP
Last update: Prchal Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (09.10.2017)