Crystal structures and symmetry. History, crystal lattice, plane and space lattices. Symmetry operations. Point,
plane and space groups. Symmetry and physical properties. Chemical crystallography, structure databases,
crystal structure visualization. Some properties of groups, groups in different dimensions. Comparison of
Last update: Mikšová Kateřina, Mgr. (12.05.2022)
Active participation during semester. Solution of practical tasks. Oral exam with simple tasks non-requiring calculations Last update: Kužel Radomír, prof. RNDr., CSc. (12.05.2022)
Václav Valvoda, Milena Polcarová, Pavel Lukáč: Základy strukturní analýzy. Univerzita Karlova. Praha 1992. I. Kraus: Úvod do strukturní rentgenografie. Academia. Praha 1985.
Další Maureen M. Julian: Foundations of Crystallography with Computer Applications. CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group. 2015 Boris K. Vainshtein: Modern crystallography. Vol. 1. Fundamentals of crystals. Symmetry, and methods of structural crystallography. (Second enlarged edition.) Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994 Robert E. Newnham: Properties of Materials. Anisotropy. Symmetry. Structure. Oxford University Press. 2005 Marc de Graaf and Michael McHenry: Structure of Materials. An Introduction to Crystallograhy, Diffraction and Symmetry. Cambridge University Press. 2007 Last update: Kužel Radomír, prof. RNDr., CSc. (10.05.2019)
Zkouška je převážně ústní z probírané látky + příklady zaměřené na symetrii krystalů, rovinné a prostorové grupy. Last update: Kužel Radomír, prof. RNDr., CSc. (06.10.2017)
I. Crystals and their symmetry.
Historic introduction. Local symmetry of atoms in solids, directional and isotropic bonds of atoms. Construction of crystals with the aid of the atomic layers with different symmetry - close packed structures, primitive and centered structures. Interstitial structures. Crystal representation with the aid of projections - crystallographic planes. II. Representation of symmetry of ordered structures Translation periodicity of crystals. Plane and space (Bravais) lattices. Crystallogrpahic classes. Notation of planes, directions and points. Reciprocal lattice. Miller indeces. Crystallographic symmetry elements. Matrix representation of symmetry elements. Macroscopic symmetry of crystals and point group. Plane and space groups. Stereographic projection. III. Representation of crystallographic groups Introduction to group theory. Basic definitions. Crystallogrpahic groups. Sub-groups and super-groups. Examples of groups. Classification of plane and space groups in International Tables of Crystallography. International (Hermann-Mauguin) and Schoenflies symbols. Diagrams of space groups. Generators. Wyckoff positions. IV. Symmetry and physiacl properties of crystals Anisotropy of physical properties and their tensor description. Anisotropic temperature factor. Electric and elastic properties of crystals - pyroelectricity, dielectric and optical properties, piezoelectricity Last update: T_KFES (21.05.2004)