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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Positron Annihilation in Solids - NFPL103
Title: Anihilace pozitronů v pevných látkách
Guaranteed by: Department of Low Temperature Physics (32-KFNT)
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Actual: from 2019
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 3
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Guarantor: prof. Mgr. Jakub Čížek, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): prof. Mgr. Jakub Čížek, Ph.D.
Classification: Physics > Solid State Physics
Annotation -
Basic principles of positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS). Subatomic physics and nuclear experimental methods relevant to PAS. Positrons and positronium in condensed matter. Basic experimental techniques of PAS: positron lifetime spectrometry, measurements of Doppler shift, angular correlations of annihilation photons. The applications of PAS to the investigations of the electonic structure, lattice defects and free volume. The main application areas of PAS: metals, semiconductors and polymers. For students of physics courses, teaching, and doctoral students.
Last update: Chlan Vojtěch, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (14.05.2019)
Aim of the course -

Student obtains basic knowledge about positron interaction with solid matter, positron trapping at defects and positron annihilation.

In addition, applications of positron annihilation spectroscopy for defect studies will be described.

Last update: KFNTJC/MFF.CUNI.CZ (17.04.2008)
Course completion requirements -

oral exam

Last update: Čížek Jakub, prof. Mgr., Ph.D. (10.06.2019)
Literature -

A. Dupasquier, A.P. Mills (eds.): Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", IOS Press, Varenna (1995).

R. Krause-Rehberg, H.S. Leipner: Positron Annihilation in Semiconductors, vol. 127 of Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1999).

P. Hautojärvi in: Positrons in Solids, ed. P. Hautojärvi, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1979).

W.R. Leo: Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (1987).

P. Coleman, Positron Beams and Their Applications, Word Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2000).

Y.J. Jean, P.E. Mallon, D.M. Schrader, Principles and Applications of Positron & Positronium Chemistry, Word Scientific, Singapore (2000).

J. Čížek: Characterization of lattice defects in metallic materials by positronannihilation spectroscopy: A review, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 34, 577-598 (2018).

Last update: Čížek Jakub, prof. Mgr., Ph.D. (10.06.2019)
Teaching methods -


Last update: Čížek Jakub, prof. Mgr., Ph.D. (10.06.2019)
Requirements to the exam -

Student has to present a short talk (15 min) about subject of his choice related to positron annihilation and answer questions related to his talk.

Last update: Čížek Jakub, prof. Mgr., Ph.D. (10.06.2019)
Syllabus -
Basic properties of positrons

positron annihilation with electron

positron sources

positrons in solids: thermalization, diffusion, implantation profile

positron trapping in defects, simple trapping model

observables related to positron annihilation

  • positron lifetime
  • Doppler shift in energy of annihilation radiation

basic experimental techniques

  • positron lifetime spectroscopy
  • angular correlation of annihilation radiation
  • Doppler broadening of annihilation photo-peak
  • coincidence Doppler broadening spectroscopy
  • variable energy slow positron beams

positron annihilation spectroscopy in metals, semiconductors and insulators

  • electron structure and defects
  • positron trapping in vacancies
  • positron trapping at dislocations
  • positron confinement in precipitates, positron affnity
  • local chemical environment of defects

Ab-initio calculations of positron annihilation observables

Positronium (Ps)

  • basic properties of Ps
  • formation, behavior and annihilation of Ps in solids
  • Ps as a probe of open volume

Last update: Čížek Jakub, prof. Mgr., Ph.D. (06.10.2017)
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