The lecture is focused on magnetic phenomena in real intermetallic materials, which is intimately connected with electronic structure.
A prominent part is devoted to magnetic phase transitions with a special emphasis on the itinerant electron metamagnetism and consequences of magnetic state changes for other electronic properties. It is an upgrade of lecture Magnetic properties of solids (FPL122). Recommended for diploma and PhD students working in the field of condensed matter physics seeking further specialization in magnetism.
Last update: T_KFES (23.05.2003)
[1] N.W.Ashcroft, N.D.Mermin, Solid State Physics [2] B. Barbara, D. Gignoux, C. Vettier Lectures on Modern Magnetism, Science Press, Springer-Verlag 1988 [3] Magnetism in neinties - eds. A.J.Freeman and K.A.Gschneidner, Jr. J.Magn. & Magn.Mater. 100(1992) [4] R.C. O'Handley, Modern Magnetic Materials. Principles and Applications, John Willey & sons, New York 2000 Last update: Sechovský Vladimír, prof. RNDr., DrSc. (06.05.2005)
Magnetic moments of f- a d-electrons in a solid and electronic structure (evolution from itinerant to localized character of electrons. Interactions in crystal field, exchange interactions. Magnetism and bonding, hybridization of f- a d-electrons s ligand valence states. Consequences: magnetic anisotropy, magnetic ordering, magnetic moment instabilities ? nonmagnetic ground states. Types of magnetic ordering, magnetic structures, magnetic phase transitions, metamagnetism. Influence of magnetic state on transport, thermal and elastic properties. Last update: Sechovský Vladimír, prof. RNDr., DrSc. (06.05.2005)