Formal theory of kinetics of phase transformations. Kinetics of chemical reactions, recovery of point defects.
Last update: Šíma Vladimír, prof. RNDr., CSc. (11.05.2007)
The condition for the completion of the course is passing an oral exam. Last update: Šíma Vladimír, prof. RNDr., CSc. (10.06.2019)
1. B. Sprušil: Termodynamika pevných látek, skripta UK Praha 1982, II. vydání. 2. P. Haasen: Physical Metallurgy, Cambridge University Press 2nd Edition 1986. 3. M. Hillert: Phase Equilibria, Phase Diagrams and Phase Transformations, Cambridge University Press 1998. 4. D. A. Porter, K. E. Easterling: Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, CRC Press, 2nd Edition 2001. 5. W. J. Moore: Fyzikální chemie, SNTL 1981. 6. H. Mehrer: Diffusion in Solids, Springer Series in Solid State Science 155, Springer 2007. Last update: Šíma Vladimír, prof. RNDr., CSc. (18.02.2019)
lecture Last update: Šíma Vladimír, prof. RNDr., CSc. (10.06.2019)
The exam is oral one, the extent of the required knowledge corresponds to the syllabus of the lecture in the extent presented at the lecture. Last update: Šíma Vladimír, prof. RNDr., CSc. (10.06.2019)
1. Kinetics of chemical reactions, equilibrium constant as a function of temperature and composition. 2. Reaction rate, kinetic equations of various orders, balanced, follow-up and side reactions. 3. Point defects. Atomic mechanisms of diffusion. "Up-hill" and "down-hill" diffusion. Diffusion in substitutional alloys. Darken's equations. 4. Solid-solid transformations in metals and alloys, their classification (civilian-diffusional, military-diffusionless). Theory of isothermal transformation kinetics, Avrami equation. Non-isothermal transformations. TTT diagrams, CCT diagrams. Solidification of pure metals and binary alloys.
Last update: Šíma Vladimír, prof. RNDr., CSc. (19.02.2019)