SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Applied Structure Analysis - NFPL040
Title: Aplikovaná strukturní analýza
Guaranteed by: Department of Condensed Matter Physics (32-KFKL)
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Actual: from 2015
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 3
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech, English
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Stanislav Daniš, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): doc. RNDr. Stanislav Daniš, Ph.D.
Classification: Physics > Solid State Physics
Annotation -
This lecture is intended to diploma and PhD students specialised in the X-ray diffraction. The lecture is an extension of lectures FPL012 (Structure of matter and diffraction of radiation) and FPL030 (Diffraction methods). It covers the following topics: (a) treatment of instrumental phenomena in X-ray diffraction, (b) study of temperature atomic vibrations, (c) study of chemical inhomogeneities and diffusion processes, (d) diffraction on thin films, (e) diffraction on low -dimensionally periodic structures (multilayers, quantum dots) and (e) some computational methods in structure analysis. The complete course on advanced methods in X-ray diffraction consists of two lectures: FPL029 (X-ray diffraction study of the real structure of matter) and FPL040.
Last update: T_KFES (23.05.2001)
Course completion requirements -

The condition for completing the course is successful completion of a credit paper and an oral exam. The paper consists of solving one task similar to those solved in the exercise. Successful acquisition of the credit is conditioned by successful completion of the task.

Last update: Mikšová Kateřina, Mgr. (12.05.2022)
Literature -

Pietsch, U., Holý, V., Baumbach, T., High-Resolution X-Ray Scattering: From Thin Films to Lateral Nanostructures, Springer-Verlag New York 2004

Last update: Daniš Stanislav, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (30.04.2019)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Závěrečná zkouška sestává jen z ústní části. Požadavky k ústní zkoušce odpovídají sylabu předmětu v rozsahu jakým byl odpřednášen. Získání zápočtu NENÍ podmínkou účasti na ústní zkoušce.

Last update: Daniš Stanislav, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (10.10.2017)
Syllabus -

1. Accuracy in diffraction experiment - instrumental aberrations, microstructural parameters, geometrical factors, sample transparency, absorption of x-rays, surface roughness, primary and secondary extinction, preferred orientation of crystallites

2. Dynamical effects in crystals.Thermal vibrations, diffusion, chemical inhomogeneity

3. Short and long range ordering - diffractional study of local arrangement at phase transition, x-ray diffraction on structures with large periodicity (multilayers, superconductors) high and low angle diffraction, reflectivity (optical theory, DBWA)

4. Experimental methods of determining the short range orderining - EXAFS, diffuse scattering

5. Computional methods in applied structural analysis - simulating of diffraction pattern (Lazy Pulverix), refinement of real crystal structure (the Rietveld method), deconvolution. Determinination of thin film, multilayer and superconductor structure parameters (SUPREX)

Last update: T_KFES (26.05.2003)
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