Allocation of resources and risk management. Valuation of
securities. Technical and fundamental analysis. Analysis of portfolio.
Capital asset pricing model. Arbitrage pricing theory.
Requirements: completing the courses
Introduction to finance, Mathematical methods in finance.
Last update: T_KPMS (14.05.2012)
To present basic concepts of financial management. Last update: G_M (22.05.2009)
Blake, D.: Analýza finačních trhů. Grada Publishing, Praha, 1995
Brigham E.F.: Fundamentals of Financial Management. The Dryden Press. Fort Worth, 1992
Dupačová, J., Hurt, J., Štěpán, J.: Stochastic Modelling in Economics and Finance. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002.
Elton, E., J., Gruber, M., J.: Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis. 4th Edition. Wiley, New York, 1991
Helfert, E. A.: Techniques of Financial Analysis. 6th Edition. Irwin, Homewood, 1987
Horne, J. C. Van: Financial Market rates and Flows. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1978
Ingersoll, J. E., Jr.: Theory of Financial Decision Making. Rowman and Littlefield, Savage (MD), 1987
Samuels, J. M., Wilkes, F. M., Braayshaw, R. E.: Management of Company Finance. 5th Edition. Chapman and Hall, London, 1990
Schall, L. D., Haley, C., W.: Introduction to Financial Management. 2nd Edition. Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1980
Sears R.S., Trennepohl G.L.: Investment Management. The Dryden Press. Fort Worth, 1993
Sharpe W.F., Alexander G.J.: Investments. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1990
Hardwick, P., Khan, B., Langmead, J.: An Introduction to Modern Economics. 3rd Edition. Longman, London, 1990
Rose, P.S., Kolari, J.W., Fraser D.R.: Financial Institutions. 4th Edition. Irwin, Homewood, 1993 Last update: T_KPMS (01.03.2007)
Lecture. Last update: G_M (27.05.2008)
Allocation of resources and risk management. Valuation of securities. Technical and fundamental analysis. Analysis of portfolio. Capital asset pricing model. Arbitrage pricing theory. Last update: T_KPMS (14.05.2010)