Plasma Physics and Computer Plasma Modelling I - NEVF525
Basics of computational physics. Computer modelling. Basics of plasma physics. Theoretical description of plasma.
Last update: T_KEVF (16.05.2005)
Zápočet se uděluje za vypracování zápočtového programu/projektu, jehož zadání je stanoveno po osobní konzultaci s vyučujícím. Charakter zápočtu umožňuje jeho opakování. Last update: Pavlů Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (14.06.2019)
Chen F.F.: Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Springer, New York 2006. Birdsall D.C., Langdon A.B.: Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation, Adam Hilger, Bristol 1991. Hockney R.W., Eastwood J.W.: Computer Simulation Using Particles, Taylor and Francis, New York 1988. Tajima T.: Computational Plasma Physics, Westview Press, Oxford 2004. Last update: T_KEVF (05.05.2010)
1. Basics of computational physics
Main directions of computational physics. Mathematical and computer modelling. Fluid modelling. Molecular dynamics method. Priciples of theory of probability. Monte Carlo method. 2. Basics of plasma physics Charakterisation of plasma, basic types of plasma, plasma isothermal and nonisothermal. Quasineutrality of plasma. Debye shielding. 3.Theoretical description of plasma Kinetic description of plasma, Boltzmann equation, conservation laws. Magnetohydrodynamic description of plasma, generalized Ohm´s law. Connection between kinetic and magnetohydrodynamic descriptions of plasma. Last update: T_KEVF (16.05.2005)