Geometric and electron structures of solid state and its surface. Work function and electron emission. Conductivity
of solid states, electronic effects on surfaces and interface.
Last update: Pavlů Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (09.06.2021)
Složit zkoušku. Zkouška bude probíhat ústně, 3 otázky z odpřednášené látky podle sylabu. Last update: Nehasil Václav, doc. RNDr., Dr. (02.03.2018)
Andrew Zangwill, Physics at Surfaces, Cambridge University Press 2012.
Zolotoyabko Emil, Introduction to Solid State Physics for Material Engineers, Viley-VCH Verlag GmBH, 2021. Last update: Pavlů Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (09.06.2021)
1) Surface and bulk of solid state. Geometric and electronic structure, differences between bulk and surface. Application in technologies. 2) Purity of bulk and surface, preparation of clean surfaces. 3) Metals, semiconductors, insulators. Electron statistics, mobility and concentration of electrons, their influence to conductivity of materials. 4) Work function, electron emission - basic principles of thermionic emission, field emission, photoemission and secondary emission. 5) Electric contact of two surfaces of solid state - metal - metal, metal - semiconductor and two semiconductors (PN junction). Last update: Pavlů Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (09.06.2021)