Electronic design of DC power supplies, regulators, switching power supplies and DC/DC converters, DC and AC amplifiers, special purpose amplifiers in physics, applications of operational amplifiers. Passive and active analog filters, oscillators. Special A/D and D/A conversion methods. Fundamentals of electric and nonelectric quantities measurements, low-signal measurement. Electronic measurement devices, oscilloscopes, logical analyzers, spectral and pulse-amplitude analyzers. Standards for data acquisition and measurement systems. Programmable logic and single-chip microcontrollers.
Last update: T_KEVF (07.05.2005)
Získání zápočtu je podmínkou pro konání zkoušky. Udělení zápočtu je podmíněno průběžnou účastí na výuce, aktivitou při cvičeních a vypracováním zjednodušeného protokolu z měření. Povaha kontroly studia předmětu vylučuje opakování zápočtu. Last update: Pavlů Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (03.06.2020)
Seifart M.: Polovodičové prvky a obvody na spracovanie spojitých signálov, Alfa, Bratislava, 1988. Hamilton D. G., Howard W. G.: Basic Integrated Circuits Engineering, Mc-Graw-Hill Kogakuska, Tokio 1978. Low level measurements, 4th ed., Keithley, 1992. J. Hrbáček: Mikrořadiče PIC16Cxx, BEN, 1998. M. Líška, V. Šulo, J. Strelec: Programovatelná logická pole, Grada, Praha 1993. Firemní literatura a www stránky, Philips, Texas Instruments, Keithley, Agilent. Last update: T_KEVF (28.04.2004)
Předmět je zakončen ústní zkouškou. Požadavky u zkoušky odpovídají sylabu předmětu v rozsahu, který byl prezentován na přednášce. U zkoušky student dostává typicky 2 dílčí otázky a má 30 min. na přípravu (další doplňující otázky v průběhu zkoušky nejsou vyloučeny). Last update: Pavlů Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (03.06.2020)
1. AC circuits
Analysis of AC circuits using Laplace and Fourier transformations. Signal link, source and load impedance matching, reflections and cross-talk. 2. Voltage and current supplies Electronic design of DC power supplies, regulators, switching power supplies and DC/DC converters. Current and reference voltage supplies. 3. Amplifiers and oscillators Design of DC and AC amplifiers, special purpose amplifiers in physics - electrometric and impuls amplifiers. Fixed frequency oscillators. Voltage controlled oscillators, frequency synthesizer, phase-lock loop. 4. Linear and nonlinear applications of operational amplifiers (OA) Output signal amplitude limitation, enhancement of output voltage and current range, power OA. Ideal diode circuit, diode converters. Logarithmic amplifiers, isolation amplifiers. 5. Analog signal processing Passive and active analog filters - low-pass and high-pass filters, notch, pass-band and stop-band filters. Synchronous detection, narrow-band filtration. Frequency transformation. 6. Special A/D and D/A conversion methods Accuracy of A/D conversion, noise. Sigma-delta A/D converters. Logarithmic A/D converter. Using pulse-width modulation in D/A conversion. 7. Electric and nonelectric quantities measurement Fundamentals of electric and nonelectric quantities measurements, low signal measurement. Electronic measurement devices, analog, digital, storage and sampling oscilloscopes, logical analyzers, spectral and pulse-amplitude analyzers. Signal generators. 8. Programmable logic Programmable logic circuits - introduction and applications. State machines. ASIC, programmable logic devices PAL, GAL, CPLD, FPLA, and examples. 9. Single-chip microcontrollers Overview of microcontroller families, block diagram architecture and programming. 10. Overview of analog and digital data transmission Serial buses RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, I2C, SPI. Analog and digital current loops, plug and play sensors (TEDS). Galvanic isolation of electronic blocks. 11. Modular instrumentation and connectivity. GPIB instrument bus, CAMAC, VME/VXI, NIM, PXI modular instrument platforms. Last update: Pavlů Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (03.06.2020)