Inclusion-exclusion principle and its applications.
Generating functions.
Finite projective planes, latin squares.
Hall theorem and its applications.
Flows in digraphs.
k-connectivity of graphs.
Ramsey theory.
Last update: Jedelský Petr, Mgr. (22.08.2019)
Andrew Goodall:
There will be two written tests for obtaining a credit (pass) for this course, taken during the semester, based on the topics covered in lectures and tutorials.
To pass the class you should satisfy one of the following criteria:
1) get a score of at least 50% of the total marks on each test taken during the semester.
2) get a score of at least 60% of the total marks on each test that is either missed due to absence or fails to score at least 50% of the total marks, by (re)taking the corresponding test(s), and this to be done latest one week after the end of semester.
You will be informed of what the total mark is when taking the tests.
There is no other provision for repeated attempts at obtaining a course credit. Last update: Jedelský Petr, Mgr. (22.08.2019)
J. Matoušek, J. Nešetřil: Invitation to Discrete Mathematics, Oxford University Press (1998)
R. Diestel: Graph Theory (4th edition), Springer (2010) Last update: Jedelský Petr, Mgr. (22.08.2019)
The exam has a combined form: written and oral. The knowledge requirements for the exam correspond to the syllabus of the course.
The ability to generalize and apply the acquired theoretical knowledge from the tutorials is also required. Last update: Jedelský Petr, Mgr. (22.08.2019)
Double Counting: Sperner Theorem, The maximum number of edges in a graph without K4 and without K3. Number of spanning trees (determinant proof) and electrical networks. Generating functions (understood as Taylor series), applications: Catalan, Fibonacci numbers, solving recurrences, asymptotics of the solution. Finite projective planes. Error-correcting codes, basic properties. Hammnig code, Hadamard code. Existence of asymptotically good codes (Gilbert-Varshamov). Hamming's lower bound. Maximum matching in graphs, Hall's theorem and its applications (Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem), Tutte theorem. k-connectivity, Menger's theorem. Ear lemma, structure of 2-connected graphs. Ramsey theorem, Ramsey theorem for p-tuples, Ramsey infinite theorem. König's theorem on the infinite branch. Last update: Jedelský Petr, Mgr. (22.08.2019)