Development of Database Applications - NDBI026
SQL language for Oracle and MS SQL databases vs. ANSI SQL
- Tables, views
- Procedural extensions, PL/SQL language, Transact-SQL
- Object/relational extensions - abstract data types, objects, arrays, nested tables
- Query optimization
Relational and object/relational schema design.
Design of server-side running database applications.
Access rights management.
Transaction control, database locks
Last update: Kopecký Ladislav, Ing. (23.04.2007)
A condition for the passing the course is delivering of a database application according to the negotiated assignment (database layer of the application plus application logic embedded in the database using its procedural extensions) Last update: Kopecký Michal, RNDr., Ph.D. (02.10.2017)
Manuály k databázovému systému Oracle / MS SQL
Loney K., Theriault M.: Mistrovství v Oracle Database 11g; Albatros Media Lacko L.: Oracle - správa, programování a použití databázového systému; Computer Press Last update: Kopecký Michal, RNDr., Ph.D. (15.05.2020)
SQL language for Oracle and MS SQL databases vs. ANSI SQL
Design of relational and object-relational schemas Design of server-side database applications Restiction of access rights to application components Transaction control, database locks Last update: Kopecký Michal, RNDr., Ph.D. (28.05.2019)