Gameplay programming is one of the key part in the process of game development; gameplay programmer is
contributing to the creation of gaming experience of players directly and therefore they are responsible for the
quality of the final product considerably. In this course, the problematic of game mechanics implementation will be
presented from the technical point of view. The course presents method of iterative prototyping of game
mechanics as a the mean how to improve game ergonomy, adapt game difficulty and rise of player comfort and
thus improving the overall gaming experience.
Last update: Töpfer Pavel, doc. RNDr., CSc. (23.01.2019)
To gain overview of problems connected with technical implementation of frequent game mechanics and their relationship to the result gaming experience. Last update: Töpfer Pavel, doc. RNDr., CSc. (23.01.2019)
The course ends with successfully completing an exam and gaining a credit from the labs. The credit from the labs is not required for taking the exam. To gain a credit from labs, an active participation on labs is required as well as implementation and evaluation of selected game mechanics. Last update: Gemrot Jakub, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.07.2020)
Books: Palacios, J. (2018). Unity 2018 Artificial Intelligence Cookbook: Over 90 recipes to build and customize AI entities for your games with Unity. Packt Publishing Ltd. Hocking, J. (2017). Unity in Action: Multiplatform game development in C#. Manning.
Internet sources: Godot, https://docs.godotengine.org/ Last update: Holan Tomáš, RNDr., Ph.D. (10.10.2022)
The course runs in two-weeks cycles. During the lecture, one game mechanic will be presented and its implementation will be discussed including technical concepts used and demonstration of various implementations in different games. During labs, students will be implementing the game mechanic presented using iterative prototyping approach. The implementation will be then evaluated and its effects on gaming experience will be identified. Last update: Gemrot Jakub, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.07.2020)
Relationship between game mechanics and game design Stages of interative prototyping of game mechanics - implementation, evaluation, reflexion. Prototyping of selected game mechanics Game development design patterns and techniques used for the technical implementation of game mechanics GDScript Godot Engine Last update: Holan Tomáš, RNDr., Ph.D. (10.10.2022)