Students will learn about preparation methods and possible applications of thin films of polymers, metals and
inorganic compounds. An overview of physical and chemical methods of preparing thin films, including methods
based on low-temperature plasma, will be presented. Students will also learn about the methods of characterizing
thin films, including evaluation of their thickness, chemical composition, optoelectronic and mechanical
properties. The theoretical introduction to the subject will always be followed by a practical part, which will take
place directly in the KMF labs.
Last update: Búryová Marcela (14.05.2024)
[1] H. Biederman: Plasma Polymer Films. Imperial College Press, London 2004 [2] H. Biederman, Y.Osada: Plasma Polymerisation Processes. Elsevier, Amsterdam 1992 [3] M. Vůjtek, R. Kubínek, M. Mašláň: Nanoskopie, Univ. Palackého Olomouc 2012 [4] N. Fairley: CasaXPS Manual, www.casaxps.com Last update: Búryová Marcela (14.05.2024)
The exam is oral. The condition for granting credit and passing the exam is systematic attendance. The exam requirements correspond to the syllabus of the subject to the extent presented at the lecture. Last update: Búryová Marcela (14.05.2024)
1) Definition of terms: polymer, metal, inorganic compound, thin film, surface 2) Mechanisms of growth of thin films 3) Methods of preparing thin films in the liquid phase: dip-coating, spin-coating, sol-gel processes, electrolytic deposition 4) Introduction to the vacuum and plasma deposition of thin films: evaporation, magnetron sputtering, reactive magnetron sputtering, plasma polymerization 5) Measurement of optical properties and thickness of thin films: spectroscopic ellipsometry, UV-vis spectrophotometry 6) Methods of analysis of the chemical composition of thin films: XPS, FTIR, EDX 7) Examination of surface morphology: AFM, SEM, profilometry 8) Methods for determining wettability, mechanical and bioadhesive properties of thin films Last update: Búryová Marcela (14.05.2024)