Basic course of high-resolution NMR spectroscopy with practical applications in polymer systems.
Last update: T_KMF (21.05.2007)
Understanding of basics of NMR spectroscopy. Using of this experimental method for study of polymer systems. Last update: HANYKOVA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (28.03.2008)
Oral exam. Last update: Hanyková Lenka, doc. RNDr., Dr. (11.06.2019)
H. Günther: NMR Spectroscopy: Basic Principles, Concepts, and Applications in Chemistry J. K. M. Sanders: Modern NMR Spectroscopy: A Guide for Chemists P. A. Mirau: A Practical Guide to Understanding the NMR of Polymers Last update: HANYKOVA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (27.03.2008)
Lecture Last update: HANYKOVA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (28.03.2008)
Oral examination. Last update: Hanyková Lenka, doc. RNDr., Dr. (10.06.2019)
Introduction to NMR spectroscopy. Basic principles and concepts of NMR. Chemical shift. Spin-spin coupling. Relaxation. NMR experiments. NMR spectrometer. Tuning. Quadrature detection. Acquisition parameters. Pulses. Data processing. Sensivity. 1D and 2D sequencies. Decoupling. Spin-echo. APT. Polarization transfer. INEPT, DEPT. 2D correlation experiments. COSY, TOCSY, HETCOR. Polymer solutions. Signal assignments. Stereochemistry. Chain tacticity. Branching and endgroups. Copolymers. Relaxation phenomena. Longitudinal and transverse relaxation. Measurement of relaxation times. Relaxation mechanisms. Dipol-dipol interaction. Correlation function and spectral density. NOE. Correlation time. Chemical exchange. Diffusion coefficient. Relaxation experiments in polymer systems. Chain mobility in solution. Interactions polymer-solvent, polymer-polymer. Transition coil-globule. NMR of solid state. Dipole interaction, CSA. Magic angle spinning. Dipolar decoupling. Cross-polarization. Polymers in solid state. Amorphous and semicrystalline polymers. Polymer blends. Curing. Polymer dynamics in solid state. Spin diffusion. NMR imaging. Last update: T_KMF (22.05.2008)