Hard and Super-hard Films and Their Applications - NBCM220
Lecture introduces hard and superhard thin films, their preparation and mikrostructure, measurement of mechanical and
tribological properties, models of the hardness of various materials and preparation of nanostructured thin films.
Last update: T_KMF (10.04.2007)
Oral exam. Last update: Hanyková Lenka, doc. RNDr., Dr. (11.06.2019)
Literature from the field of thin films. Last update: Hanyková Lenka, doc. RNDr., Dr. (13.05.2019)
Oral examination. Last update: Hanyková Lenka, doc. RNDr., Dr. (10.06.2019)
Hard Materials
Basic terms of elasticity and hardness
Methods of measurement of mechanical properties of materials and films
Technology for preparation of hard films
Microstructure of the hard films
Adhesion of the films
Friction and abrasion of the films
Applications of hard and superhard thin films Last update: T_KMF (10.04.2007)