Quantum Theory I - NBCM110
This course is a continuation of the course NOFY027 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. Formal scheme of
quantum theory. Angular momentum. Approximate methods - variational and perturbation
method. Structure of atomic spectral lines. Many-body problem. Basics of quantum electrodynamics (non-
relativistic theory). Basics of scattering theory.
Last update: Kapsa Vojtěch, RNDr., CSc. (25.04.2018)
The student must obtain credit before entering exam.
The condition for obtaining credits are clarified on the first seminar.
The exam has written and oral parts. Last update: Kapsa Vojtěch, RNDr., CSc. (25.04.2018)
Jaroslav Zamastil and Jakub Benda, Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics (Springer 2016) Last update: Novotný Tomáš, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (15.10.2019)
0. Formal scheme of quantum theory
Dirac notation; theory of representations; summary of basics of quantum mechanics; pure and mixed states; density matrix 1. Angular momentum Spin - Stern-Gerlach experiments; Larmor precession; Rabi oscilations; general solution of angular momentum, composition of angular momentum, complete symmetry of hydrogen 2. Approximate methods - variational and perturbation method Anharmonic oscilator; coupled oscilators; hydrogen in static electric and magnetic fields 3. Structure of atomic spectral lines Gross, fine and hyperfine structure of atomic levels; inclusion of relativistic and magnetic effects - Dirac and Pauli equations 4. Many-body problem Antisymmetry of wave function and exchange interaction; formalism of second quantization; Hartree-Fock approximation; shell model of atoms; Born-Oppenheimer approximation; hydrogen molecule 5. Basics of quantum electrodynamics (non-relativistic theory) Hamiltonian of charged particles and electromagnetic (EM) field; quantization of EM field; Time-dependent perturbation method and Fermi Golden Rule, spontaneous emission, selection rules 6. Basics of scattering theory Formulation of the problem - Green function; Lippmann-Schwinger equation Elastic scattering - method of partial waves; phase analysis; low-energy limit: scattering length and effective range Inelastic scattering in Born approximation - photoeffect; atom excitation by electron, photon-atom scattering Last update: Kapsa Vojtěch, RNDr., CSc. (25.04.2018)