Basics of molecular physics, electrically and optically active molecular materials. Basics of molecular electronic elements.
Last update: T_KMF (22.04.2003)
Introduction to electronic processes in the systems based on organic materials. Last update: KRIVKA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (11.04.2008)
oral examination Last update: Křivka Ivo, doc. RNDr., CSc. (13.06.2019)
[1] J.Simon: Molecular Semiconductors, Springer, Berlín, 1985
[2] M.Pope, C.E.Swenberg: Electronic Processes in Organic Crystals, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1982
[3] J.A.Chilton, M.T.Goosey (redaktoři): Special Polymers for Electronic and Optoelectronics, Chapman, Hall,London, 1995
[4] H.Dörr, H.Bonas-Laurent: Photochromism, Elsevier, Amsterodam, 1990
[5] S.Nešpůrek: Organické materiály, v knize: J.Šesták, Z.Strnad, A.Tříska (redaktoři): Speciální technologie a materiály, Academia, Praha 1993
[6] V.Prosser a kolektiv.: Experimentální metody biofyziky, Academia, Praha, 1989
[7] A.R.Blythe, D. Bloor, Electrical Properties of Polymers, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2005 Last update: Křivka Ivo, doc. RNDr., CSc. (10.05.2019)
přednáška Last update: KRIVKA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (11.04.2008)
Oral examination. Requirements according to the syllabus in extent corresponding to the lecture. Last update: Křivka Ivo, doc. RNDr., CSc. (13.06.2019)
1. Molecular materials.
(basic properties, chemical bond and structure) Organic semiconductors (low-molecular and high-molecular, conjugation, intermolecular interactions). 2. Electron structure. (neutral and polar electron states, charge carriers, solitons, polarons, absorption, luminiscence, phosphorescence, charge transfering startes). 3. Charge transport in molecular semiconductors. (transport states, elektron, ion and proton conductivity, mechanisms of charge transport). 4. Photogeneration of charge carriers. (excited states, excitons, exciton transport, energy transfer, excimers, generation of couple states, dissociation of ion couples, Onsager model). 5. Lokalizované stavy. types of traps, capture processes, termostimulated processes, space charge limited currents). 6. Photochromy of organic materials. (dynamics of excited states, conformation changes of molecules in excited states, transient absorption, memory and switch effects). 7. Synthtic metals. (donor-acceptor interactions, complexes with charge transfer, radical salts, electrical conductivity, paramagnetism, phase transitions). 8. Preparation technology of thin organic films. (Langmuir-Blodgett films, electropolymeration, vacuum sublimation, plasmatic polymeration, adsorption, spin coating). 9. Molecular elektronic elements. (solitons as information carrier, dynamics of soliton transfer, molecular transistors, luminiscent diodes, holography and memories, current modulators). 10. Electronic molecular processes for macroscopic electronic elements. (electrochemical processes, Schottky barrier, charge carrier injection, non-linear optics). 11. Stability of organic materials. (photodegradation, thermal degradation, stabilizers, basics of chemical reactivity). 12. Experimental methods for investigation of molecular elektronic processes. Last update: KRIVKA (19.05.2006)