The topic treats synthetic methods in macromolecular chemistry and technology. It involves reactions leading to formation of macromolecules in Nature, too. The relations between synthesis, structure and properties of macromolecular systems and their functions are emphasized. The student will learn about reaction mechanisms and kinetics of polyreactions, about the diverse methods of preparation (melt, solution, emulsion, suspension?), about ways how to functionalize macromolecules with specific chemical groups to tailor their properties and functions.
Last update: DUSKOVA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (09.04.2008)
Understanding principles of macromolecular chemistry. Classical and contemporary methods of preparation of macromolecular systems. Relation between synthesis-structure-properties,and function of macromolecular systems. Last update: DUSKOVA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (09.04.2008)
Oral exam. Last update: Búryová Marcela (13.06.2019)
Miloslav Kučera, Vznik makromolekul I, Vutium, Brno 2003 Miloslav Kučera, Vznik makromolekul II, Vutium, Brno 2003 Josef Pacák , Jak porozumět organické chemii, Komenium, 1997 (připravuje se nové vydání) nebo Josef Pacák, Úvod do studia organické chemie, SNTL, Praha 1982 Chemie syntetických polymerů, Edice MACRO N-12, ÚMCH AVČR, Praha 1983
George Odian, Principles of Polymerization, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons 1991 Brandrupt, Immergut, Grulke, Polymer Handbook, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons 1999 Braun, Chedron, Ritter, Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practise, Third Edition Springer 2001
Webové stránky
http://www.sciencemag.org/ http://www.nature.com/ http://pubs.acs.org/cen/index.html/ http://pslc.ws/macrog/index.htm Last update: DUSKOVA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (09.04.2008)
lectures, seminar, laboratory practice, excursion Last update: DUSKOVA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (09.04.2008)
1. Macromolecules and polymers: classification and structure of polymers, introduction to nomenclature of polymers 2. Degree of polymerization, distributions and moments of distribution - calculation and experiment 3. Importnat chemical reactions of functional groups: hydrocarbons, halogene derivatives, nitro-compounds, amines, ethers, hydroxyl-, carbonyl- and carboxyl- compounds 4. Polycondensation and polyaddition (step) polymerization: kinetics of polymerization reactions, process conditions (polyesters, polyamides, polycarbonates, polyurethanes), step copolymerization, synthesis of hyperbranched and dendritic macromolecules 5. Initiated chain polymerization - radical polymerization, stages of radical polymerization, kinetics of radical polymerization, kinetics of chain polymerization, process conditions (suspension, emulsion, bulk, solution) and important polymers (polystyrene, vinyl polymers, acrylates, etc.) 6. Initiated chain polymerization - ionic polymerizations: anionic living polymers, block copolymers, cationic polymerization, block copolymers, new types of ionic polymerization 7. Ring-opening polymerization (lactams, lactones, etc.), stereochemistry of polymerization (Ziegler-Natta polymers), modern ways of polymerization: (GTP, RAFT, ATRP) controlled radical polymerization 8. Copolymerization: copolymerziation parameters, distribution and structure of copolymers 9. Branching and crosslinking: network formation, structure and properties, characterization of macromolecular networks, important crosslinked systems (rubbers, polyesters, epoxides, polyurethanes, organic-inorganic networks, physical networks, gels) 10. Polymeric composites: formation, structure and properties, type of polymer matrices, inhomogeneous and nanostructured polymer systems 11. Natural macromolecules, bioanalogous and biocompatible polymers, polymers in medicine, biomimmetic macromolecules and interesting model systems Last update: DUSKOVA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (09.04.2008)
The students should previously complete the subjects: Physical chemistry of polymers and Polymer physics. In general, the students should be acquainted with the basic terms of organic chemistry and should understand principles of general chemistry. Last update: DUSKOVA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (09.04.2008)