SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Philosophical problems of Informatics - NAIL102
Title: Filosofické problémy Informatiky
Guaranteed by: Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic (32-KTIML)
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Actual: from 2017
Semester: both
E-Credits: 1
Hours per week, examination: 0/1, C [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Note: you can enroll for the course repeatedly
enabled for web enrollment
you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: Mgr. Roman Neruda, CSc.
Mgr. Jiří Šejnoha
Teacher(s): Mgr. Roman Neruda, CSc.
Mgr. Jiří Šejnoha
Class: Informatika Mgr. - volitelný
Classification: Informatics > Informatics, Software Applications, Computer Graphics and Geometry, Database Systems, Didactics of Informatics, Discrete Mathematics, External Subjects, General Subjects, Computer and Formal Linguistics, Optimalization, Programming, Software Engineering, Theoretical Computer Science
Annotation -
The seminar consists of presentations of specialists in informatics, mathematics and in relevant philosophical problems with the goal to show students new perspectives and motivate discussions.
Last update: T_KTI (10.05.2011)
Aim of the course -

Acquaintance with topics connected and transending computer science and mathematics.

Last update: Krýsl Svatopluk, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (13.10.2017)
Course completion requirements -

Writing a short essay on a topic discussed during one of the seminars, from the discussed point of view, or a record of one of them.

Last update: Krýsl Svatopluk, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (13.10.2017)
Literature -

1. A. Anzenbacher: Úvod do filosofie, Portál, 2004

2. J. Peregrin: Kapitoly z analytické filosofie, Filosofia, 2005

3. K. Popper: Logika vědeckého zkoumání, OIKOYMENH, 1997

4. P. Feyerabend: Rozprava proti metodě, Aurora, 2001

5. T. Kuhn: Struktura vědeckých revolucí, OIKOYMENH, 1997

Last update: T_KTI (15.05.2014)
Teaching methods -

Seminar. Invited guests.

Last update: Krýsl Svatopluk, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (13.10.2017)
Requirements to the exam -

Credit is for presence and writing an essay or a record, see terms of passing.

Last update: Krýsl Svatopluk, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (13.10.2017)
Syllabus -

Possible themes:

Problems of current Informatics and their philosophical aspects

Computation models


Philosophy of programming languages

Knowledge bases and databases

Web, semantic web and web explorers

Neuron networks and evolutionary algorithms

Artificial intelligence

History of mathematics and informatics

Ethics in informatics

Examples of previous themes:

What was beyond mirror?

Language of mathematics


Why is social web resistant to elegant mathematics

Philosophy of mind (from view of analytic philosophy)

Kurt Goedel...!

How to describe the natural language formally?

Language just a code?

Infinity in Informatics and Philosophy

Hypothetical propositions

Last update: T_KTI (15.05.2014)
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