This lecture deals with specific properties of solid surfaces and with preparation methods of surfaces for modern
technologies as well as with preparation of continuous and non-continuous layers having dimensions in
nanometer scale. In frame of this lecture we will discuss basic experimental techniques for investigation and
characterization of clean surfaces, ultra-thin layers and nanometer structures (electronic structure,
crystallographic structure, morphology, chemical state).
Last update: Roučka Štěpán, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (18.05.2020)
Course is finished by oral examination. Last update: Mašek Karel, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (15.05.2020)
1. Zangwill A.: Physics at Surfaces, Cambridge University Press, 1992 2. Lüth, H.: Solid surfaces, Interfaces and thin films, Springer, Berlin, 2010 Metody analýzy povrchů - Elektronové spektroskopie , editor L. Eckertová, Academia, 1990 3. Metody analýzy povrchů - Iontové, sondové aspeciální metody , editoři L. Frank, J. Král, Academia, 2002 4. Practical Surface Analysis, by Auger and Photoelectron Spectroscopy, ed. D. Briggs and M.P.Seah, Wiley, 1983 5. Practical Surface Analysis, second edition, Volume 2, Ion and Neutral Spectroscopy, ed. D. Briggs and M.P.Seah, Wiley, 1992 6. L. Eckertová a kol., Metody analýzy povrchů, elektronová mikroskopie a difrakce, Academia, Praha 1996. 7. W. Braun, Applied RHEED - Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction during crystal growth, Springer - Verlag, Heidelberg 1999. Last update: Mašek Karel, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (15.05.2020)
Examination is oral. Scopes of the examination correspond to the syllabus in the extent presented at the lectures. Last update: Mašek Karel, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (15.05.2020)
1. Surface of solid state. Definition, ideal and real surface. Crystallographic and electronic structure of surface. Surface electronic states. Preparation of clean and well defined surfaces. Practical and technological importance of surface. 2. Work function. Theory, measurement, practical importance. 3. Surface morphology: scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy. 4. Preparation of well-defined surfaces and thin films with nanometer characteristic dimensions. 5. Structure and chemical state of surfaces: methods of photoelectron and ion spectroscopy. Basics of photoelectron spectroscopy – using of rtg and synchrotron radiation. Interaction of ions with surfaces, ion spectroscopy (ISS, SIMS). 6. Crystallographic structure of surfaces: methods of electron diffraction (RHEED, LEED), photoelectron diffraction, applications. Last update: Mašek Karel, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (15.05.2020)