Electricity and magnetism from Coulomb‘s law to Maxwell‘s equations. Electrostatics. Stationary electric field and
electric current. Linear stationary circuits. Stationary magnetic field. Quasistationary electric and magnetic fields,
electrical circuits in quasistationary aproximation. Non-stationary electromagnetic field. Dielectric and magnetic
properties of matter. Electrical transport phenomena. Lecture is accompanied by experiments and by examples
of practical applications of physical phenomena in contemporary technic and technology.
Last update: T_KFES (29.04.2016)
The credit is issued for theattendance at tutorials and passing of one or two written tests during the term. Teh credit is necessary for the oral exam. The requirements for the exam correspond to the syllabus/handout which was presented at the lectures.
Last update: Janeček Miloš, prof. RNDr., CSc. (08.06.2019)
B. Sedlák, I. Štoll: Elektřina a magnetismus, Academia , Vydavatelství Karolinum Praha 1993 B. Sedlák, R. Bakule: Elektřina a magnetismus (skriptum), SPN Praha 1986. R. Bakule a kol.: Příklady z elektřiny a magnetismu (skriptum), SPN Praha 1991. J. Brož a kol.: Základy fyzikálních měření I. SPN Praha 1983. I. Štoll, B. Sedlák: Přehled vektorové analýzy ( Doplňkový text OZVF, sv.3.) MFF UK Praha 1991. R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, M. Sands: The Feynman Lectures on Physics, vol. 1,2, Addison- Wesley, Reading 1964 (český překlad Fragment Havlíčkův Brod 2000).
Last update: Sobotík Pavel, doc. RNDr., CSc. (14.06.2018)
Zkouška probíhá ústní formou. Požadavky odpovídají sylabu předmětu v rozsahu, který byl prezentován na přednášce. Last update: Sobotík Pavel, doc. RNDr., CSc. (05.03.2018)
1) Electrostatics
Electric charge, Coulomb’s law, electrostatic field intensity, Gauss‘s law, work in electrostatic field, electrostatic potential. Poisson‘s and Laplace‘s equation. Electric dipol. Electrostatic field of conductors, electrostatic induction, basic task of electrostatics. Capacity, capacitor, energy of charged conductors system. Electrostatic field in dielectrics, polarization, electric displacement vector, constitutive relations, permitivity. 2) Stationary electric field and electric current Electric current, continuity equation. Ohm’s law, Joule’s law, stationary electrical circuit, electromotive force, Kirchhoff’s rules, methods of solution of linear stationary circuits 3) Stationary magnetic field Vector of magnetic field (induction), Lorenz’s law, Ampére’s law, vector potential of magnetic field, Biot-Savart’s law, magnetic field of a current loop (magnetic dipol). Magnetic field in matter, magnetization vector, magnetic field intensity vector, constitutive relations, permeability. Curie-Weiss law. Magnetic circuit, magnetostatic field. 4) Quasistationary electric and magnetic fields Electromagnetic induction law, mutual- and self-inductance of conductors, quasistationary electrical circuit, Kirchhoff’s rules, energy and forces in magnetic field, alternating current generation. Alternating current circuits, complex representation, impedance. 5) Non-stationary electromagnetic field Maxwell’s equations, plane electromagnetic wave, polarization and energy of electromagnetic field 6) Electrical transport phenomena Charge transport in matter, conductors, insulators, semiconductors, conductivity of metals and semiconductors, contact potential, thermoelectric phenomena, p-n junction, diode, transistor. Electron emission, photoeffect. Conductivity of liquids, electrolysis, Faraday’s laws, galvanic cells. Conductivity of gases, discharge in gas, Paschen’s law, Frank-Hertz‘s experiment. Hall‘s effect .Superconductivity. Last update: T_KFES (29.04.2016)