SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Socioeconomic Geography - MZ340U06
Title: Socioekonomická geografie
Czech title: Socioekonomická geografie
Guaranteed by: Department of Social Geography and Regional Development (31-340)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2020 to 2023
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 8
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:4/2, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Note: enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): RNDr. Dana Fialová, Ph.D.
doc. RNDr. Viktor Květoň, Ph.D.
prof. RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.
Annotation -
The course is focused on basic topics and problems of social and economic geography for specialists in education in geography. Core concepts, processes and trends in social and economic geography are discussed. The lecture is based on the presentation of key general trends, elaboration of the topic on a specific example in a selected region and generalisation of trends for typologically or regionally related territories, regions, places. Different geographic scales of monitoring from global, regional to local levels are taken into account. The course consists of morning lecture and afternoon seminar focused on use of themes in secondary school education of Geography. Follow-up exercises are focused on acquiring skills in the application of theoretical and methodological knowledge and their use in teaching practice. The main emphasis is placed on individual and team work, analytical, synthetic, cartographic and presentation skills. Graduates use selected terminology with understanding, can process and interpret data and find connections between them, critically assess data sources and evaluation results, explain the context of problems of socio-economic and socio-cultural nature at different geographical scale levels.
Last update: Ouředníček Martin, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (01.10.2023)
Literature -

Required literature:

COE, N., KELLY, P., YEUNG, H. W. C. (2013): Economic geography: a contemporary introduction. 2nd ed. Hoboken, N. J: Wiley-Blackwell, 576 pp.

GREGORY, D., JOHNSTON, R. J., PRATT, G., WATTS, M., WHATMORE, S. (2009): The dictionary of human geography. 5th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1052 pp.

HAGGETT, P. (1983): Geography: A Modern Synthesis. 3rd rev. ed. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 670 pp.

OUŘEDNÍČEK, M., TEMELOVÁ, J., POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. eds. (2011): Atlas of socio-spatial differentiation of the Czech Republic. Praha: Karolinum, 137 pp.

TOUŠEK, V., KUNC, J., VYSTOUPIL, J. a kol. (2008): Ekonomická a sociální geografie. Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 411 pp.

Školní atlas dnešního světa. Terra.

Školní atlas světa. Kartografie.


Suggested readings:

HAMPL, M. (1996): Geografická organizace společnosti a transformační procesy v České republice. Praha: DemoArt, 395 pp.

HRNČIAROVÁ, T., MACKOVČIN, P., ZVARA et al. (2009): Landscape Atlas of the Czech Republic. Praha a Průhonice: MŽP ČR, Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictví, 331 pp.

OUŘEDNÍČEK, M., JÍCHOVÁ, J., POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. eds. (2017): Historicical Population Atlas of the Czech Lands. Praha: Karolinum.

PAVLÍK, Z., ŠUBRTOVÁ, A., RYCHTAŘÍKOVÁ, J. (1986): Základy demografie. 1. vyd. Praha: Academia, 732 pp.

PAVLÍK, Z., KÜHNL, K. (1982): Úvod do kvantitativních metod pro geografy. 1. vyd. Praha: SPN, 266 pp.

Journals: Geografické rozhledy, Ekonom

Last update: Ouředníček Martin, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (01.10.2023)
Requirements to the exam -

Credit requirements (awarded by Dr. Fialová)
• Each pair submits (in printed form - will be returned) 2 tasks (Czech district, foreign region)
• Presentation of assigned tasks - one of the couple
• Essay on selected topic
• Research on a given topic
• Active participation in exercises
• Gain at least 50 points (maximum possible 65)
   - 2 points - participation in exercises

   - 1 to 3 points - activity on exercise, the result of homework

   - 1 to 5 points - research

   - 1 to 5 points - essay

   - 1 to 5 points - each block of exercises

• Passing the credit test (exercise content)
• Terms for home work
Possible max two excused absences


Examination Requirements (granted by Prof. Ouředníček, Assoc. Prof. Květoň)

Passing the written test (open and closed questions based on presentations from lectures and literature)

Last update: Ouředníček Martin, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (19.02.2024)
Syllabus -

1. Development and position of socio-economic geography discipline

2. Geographical position and location

3. Methods of socio-economic geography

4. Scale, hierarchy, core-periphery

5. Regional differentiation and unevenness

6. Regionalization

7. Current tendencies of economic development

8. Transport, mobility, accessibility

9. Settlement geography

10. Geography of population

11. Migration

12. Local processes and problems

13. Discussion seminar

Last update: Ouředníček Martin, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (01.10.2023)
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