Within lectures to give students basic principles and factors producing and influencing political differentiation of the society and the World, including theories and approaches of its studium.
Last update: Jelen Libor, RNDr., Ph.D. (06.02.2018)
Literatura základní: Last update: Klingorová Kamila, RNDr., Ph.D. (28.02.2018)
Content: 1. What is political geography 2 Political differentiation of the world, the state as a basic unit 3. Typology of the states, political systems 4. Democracy and freedom (in the World) 5. Geopolitics, discussion of meanings, new approaches 6. Economy and politics, economic and political models of the world development 7. Geography of power (defence forces) 8. State and nation, nationalism 9. Cultural diferences and religion 10. Geography of election 11. Theories of conflicts, geography of conflicts 12. Integration and Geography of integration
References: Basic: Literatura základní: BAAR, V., RUMPEL, P., ŠINDLER, P.(1996): Politická geografie, Učební texty Ostravské univerzity, Ostravská univerzita. ŽALOUDEK, K. (1996): Encyklopedie politiky. Libri, Praha. IŠTOK, R. (1997): Štát na politickej mape světa, Politickogeografické a geopolitické aspekty, Geografické práce, roč. VII, číslo 1, Katedra geografie a geoekológie FHPV PU, Prešov. KREJČÍ, O. (1997): Mezinárodní politika. Victoria Publishing, Praha. Komparace politických systémů I., II., skripta VŠE. Literatura doporučená: TAYLOR, P.J. (1989): Political Geography. Second edition, Longman Scientific & Technical. SHORT, J.R. (1993): An Introduction to Political Geography. Second edition, Routledge. GLASSNER, M.I. (1995): Political Geography. Second edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Last update: JANU (09.08.2002)