SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Elementary Astrobiology - MS107023
Title: Základy astrobiologie
Czech title: Základy astrobiologie
Guaranteed by: Department of Philosophy and History of Science (31-107)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2022
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Note: enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: RNDr. Tomáš Petrásek, Ph.D.
Mgr. Jan Toman, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): RNDr. Tomáš Petrásek, Ph.D.
Annotation -
In this course, students are introduced to the field of astrobiology, its current advances and applications in other scientific fields. It focuses mainly on the biological aspects of the field. The main thematic areas include the origin and prerequisites for life, the definition of life, the general features of biological evolution and evolutionary trends, biogeochemical cycles and the mutual relationship between organisms and their environment, possible conditions for life in our system (throughout its history) and beyond, extremophilic forms of life on Earth, exotic habitats on Earth and their analogues in space, and possibilities of exotic forms of life on Earth and beyond. We will also touch the issues of the evolution of the universe, the formation of planetary systems, delimitation of star and galactic habitable zones, models of life conditions, history of astrobiology, research of life in space (i.e. especially astrobiology-related results of successful missions of remotely controlled probes), ongoing missions, methods of astrobiological research (including research on the boundary conditions of life of terrestrial organisms in terms of temperature, pressure, acceleration, etc.), or Fermi paradox. The course is intended especially for students of biological disciplines, but it is suitable also for students of other scientific disciplines of all years with an interest in discussed topics.
Last update: Petrásek Tomáš, RNDr., Ph.D. (04.01.2022)
Literature -

Recommended literature:
T. Petrásek, I. Duszek: Vzdálené světy I a II
P. Ward: Life as We Do Not Know It
P. Ward, D. Brownlee: The Life and Death of Planet Earth
H. Lesch Harald, J. Müller: Velký třesk - druhé dějství - po stopách života ve vesmíru
S. Webb: If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens - Where Is Everybody?
J. Novák: Život ve vesmíru
P. Ward, D. Brownlee: Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe
D. Schulze-Makuch, L. Irwin: Life in the Universe - Expectations and Constraints
D. Schulze-Makuch, W. Bains: The Cosmic Zoo
M. Carrol, R. Lopes: Alien Seas: Oceans in Space
A. Hanslmeier: Water in The Universe
S. H. Dole: Habitable Planets for Man
R. Zubrin: Entering space

J. Nováková: Říše temnoty a chladu. Vesmír 93, 2014/10
J. Toman: Život v ledu aneb Úžasný svět kryofilních mikroorganismů. Vesmír 90, 2011/5
J. Toman: Vostok: Úvahy o biologii podledovcového jezera. Vesmír 91, 2012/7
J. Toman: Vostok II: Nahlédnutí pod pokličku podledovcového jezera. Vesmír 93, 2014/10
T. Petrásek: Hydrotermy Enceladu (
T. Petrásek: Nové důkazy slaného oceánu na Enceladu (
T. Petrásek: Byl na Rudé planetě život? Svědectví marťanských meteoritů (
T. Petrásek: Země: Téměř neobyvatelná planeta! Anebo ne?! (
T. Petrásek: Známky života u mrtvých hvězd? (
T. Petrásek: DNA z Marsu (
T. Petrásek: Porouchaný termostat na planetách červených trpaslíků (
T. Petrásek: Mimozemský život v meteoritu? (
T. Petrásek: Uhlíkové planety (
Web Vzdálené světy (

Last update: Petrásek Tomáš, RNDr., Ph.D. (04.01.2022)
Requirements to the exam -

Examination will be in the form of a written test. If it will be necessary, examination can be conducted online with identity control, in the form of parallel video conference. In that case, necessary information will be provided in advance.

Last update: Petrásek Tomáš, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.09.2020)
Syllabus -

May be subject to change.

1)      Introduction, definition of astrobiology and exobiology, basic terms, history, interdisciplinarity; origin and evolution of universe (incl. cosmology) and Solar system, origin and evolution of stars and planets in other planetary systems, detection of exoplanets and achievements in this field

2)      Definition and origin of life, energy, elements and solvents; artificial life, origin of life on Earth, proof and theories; shadow biosphere, viruses etc.

3)      Extremophiles and life in extreme environment

4)      Biological evolution and its character – general and special evolutionary mechanisms, dependency on environment, macroevolution, macroevolutionary trends, trend of increasing complexity of life, Major evolutionary transitions, contingency and convergency, Dennett’s tower and evolutionary lifts

5)      Evolution of planet Earth, its (in)uniqueness, habitable zones, biogeochemical cycles, Gaia theory (for and against), Life and death of planet Earth, Rare earth; biological aspects of exoplanets, various types of planets and their life-related constraints and advantages, particular astrobiologically interesting bodies

6)      Inner planets of Solar system excluding Earth and Mars + Moon (as archive); Venus and its possible friendliness for life in past (and present?)

7)      Mars – history of the planet, martian meteorites, past and ongoing probes, findings, controversies, places suitable for life, possible life forms

8)      Outer planets and their moons – endohydrospheres and related physical, chemical and biological theories, possible life forms, hypotheses considering life in the atmosphere of gas giants

9)      Subglacial lakes – general aspects, Vostok, history of research, findings, other sublacial lakes in Antarctica and analogues elsewhere, perennially frozen lakes, analogies with other objects in Solar system

10)   Exotic habitats – from Pluto, asteroids and Oort cloud to neutron stars, proposed hypothetical exotic life forms, curiosities, possible and impossible life forms incl. digital etc.

11)   Planned probes and future of astrobiological research – history of research, possibilities for detection of life, possibilities of detection of intelligent life, methods of astrobiological research on Earth (artificial life, simulations, models, experiments with extremophiles etc.)

12)   Fermi paradox „Where are they“ – various theories, intelligent and non-inteligent life, anthropic principle, history of search for extraterrestrial intelligence

Last update: Petrásek Tomáš, RNDr., Ph.D. (30.10.2019)
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