In the course, the students learn fundamentals of hypoplasticty and its application to THM problems. Hypoplasticity is an approach to constitutive modelling of geomaterials, which proved to be successful in modelling the non-linear state dependent soil behaviour. These aspects were found to be critical in a wide range of applications, starting with the impact of underground works (tunnels, deep excavations) on existing infrastructure, continuing with design of offshore foundations and ending with predictions of nuclear waste disposal facilities. The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive review of the practically applicable versions of hypoplastic models. The course starts with an overview of the granular soil and fine-grained soil behaviour. Subsequently, hypoplasticity is set up within the broader constitutive modelling framework. Mathematical formulation of hypoplasticity is later described in detail and two basic models are introduced: model for granular materials and model for clays. Both these models can be enhanced by the so-called intergranular strain concept for small strain stiffness predictions, which is described in subsequent part of the course. Emphasis is put on description of procedures for calibration of the model parameters. Finally, a number of advanced topics on THM behaviour is introduced, which may be important for solving specific case studies.
Last update: Mašín David, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (11.09.2023)
Mašín, D. (2019). Modelling of Soil Behaviour with Hypoplasticity - Another Approach to Soil Constitutive Modelling. Springer International Publishing, 192 p., ISBN: 978-3-030-03975-2. Last update: Rubešová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (21.08.2023)
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 Last update: Mašín David, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (11.09.2023)