The course acquaints students with the principles and technical applications of ecosystem restoration, both restoration of production and restoration of non-production functions of the ecosystem.
Restoration ecology as a scientific discipline and practical application, basic concepts. Ecological succession as the basis of restoration ecology, principles and mechanisms of successive changes, changes of abiotic environment, development of soils, vegetation and fauna during succession. succession vs reclamation. Disturbance: causes of origin and consequences for the further development of ecosystems Reclamation, revitalization, restoration of ecosystems, setting goals based on the nature of disturbance and social order, relationship of landscape ecology and restoration of ecosystems. Techniques of reclamation and restoration of ecosystems, modification of abiotic environment, when, how and why. Biotic interactions, competition, colonization, seed supply, support of target species, etc. Examples: areas affected by eutrophication, contamination, industrial areas, areas affected by coal mining. Last update: Tátosová Jolana, RNDr., Ph.D. (24.10.2019)
Last update: Tátosová Jolana, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.05.2019)
projekt, ústní zkouška Výuka probíhá s ohledem na epidemickou situaci
nařízení hygienické stanice hl. m Prahy
a nařízení MŠMT Last update: Frouz Jan, prof. Mgr. Ing., CSc. (08.10.2020)