Advanced well logging course for those who have completed the introductory Wireline logging course.
In a part of this course, external tutors from the industry will introduce practical concepts of well logging including cross-log correlation and integration of various methods for common industrial problems (hydrogeology, engineering geology, reservoir assessment or nuclear waste repositories). Another part of the course will focus on providing more detail to some downhole geophysical methods that were not fully covered in the introductory course (fibre optic methods in particular). A full-day fieldtrip focused on assessing groundwater flow with resistivimetry will also be a part of the course (timing is weather dependent and may be postponed until the next semester). Last update: Janků Lucie, Mgr., Ph.D. (22.10.2024)
Schlumberger: Log Interpretation. Priciples/Applications. Schlumberger Educational Services, 1986. Serra,O.: Fundamentals of Well-Log Interpretation. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.,1986 Doveton,J.H.:Geologic Log Analysis Using Computer Methods. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1994 Hurst,A,Lovell,M.A and Morton,A.C.(editors): Geological Applications of Wireline Logs,I and II. Geological Society London, 1990 and 1992. Keys S.W. A Practical Guide to Borehole Geophysics in Environmental Investigations. CRC Press,Inc., 1997 Halliburton Logging Services,Inc. Log Interpretation Charts. Houston,1991 Geological Applications of Wireline Logs, edited by A.Hurst,M.A.Lovell and A.C.Morton, published by The Geological Society of London, 1990, 258 str. Geological Applications of Wireline Logs,II, edited by A.Hurst, C.M.Griffiths and P.F.Worthington, published by The Geological Society of London, 1992, 404 str. Keys,W.S.(1997): Borehole Geophysics in Environmental Investigations, CRC Press Inc.,Boca Raton, USA, 176 str. Serra,O.(1986): Fundamentals of well-log interpretation. 2.The interpretation of logging data. Developments in Petroleum Science, 15B, 684p., Elsevier, Amsterdam Last update: Datel Josef, RNDr., Ph.D. (01.06.2009)
Zápočet bude udělen za minimálně 80% účast na cvičeních a odevzdání protokolů ze cvičení. Zkouška je písemná a ústní. Last update: Kobr Miroslav, RNDr., CSc. (22.11.2011)
1. Resistivimetry for groundwater flow assessment - Measuring and processing resistivimetry data, quantitative interpretation of hydraulic parameters: flow velocity, discharge, yeild etc. (2 lessons: field + desktop) - internal lecturers 2. DTS – details, principles, examples of use (RINGEN) - lecturer from AV ČR 3. DAS – principles, usage (internal lecturer) 4. Case studies from geotechnical industry, construction of critical infrastructure, hydrogeology etc. - representatives of geotech companies (SG Geotechnika, Inset etc.) 5. Well logging for hydrocarbon exploration and reservoir characterisation - lecturer from an oil and gas company 7. Downhole stress measurements - iinternal lecturer Last update: Janků Lucie, Mgr., Ph.D. (22.10.2024)